Multimedia.... DVD's, Internet, Blu Ray, games...... it's also really good hardware, and it has a lot of storage on blu ray discs, which will be taking over regular 360 discs soon, games will be too big to fit on these....
blu ray discs, which will be taking over regular 360 discs soon, LivingReceiver
thats what they said about the philips laser disk, if you think you got a good deal than more power to ya, but when i buy a console i like it to have some good games, So Yea......
Why shouldwe care about all of that? I play a GAMING console to GAME. Not to put in a DVD once in a blue moon because for some reason my other 3 DVD players don't work. :|
Why shouldwe care about all of that? I play a GAMING console to GAME. Not to put in a DVD once in a blue moon because for some reason my other 3 DVD players don't work. :|
Because some people think it's better 'value' to watch movies on a videogame system over actually gaming on it...
Im always saying that DEVS want the EXTRA room to do what they want in. dvd format was last gen!!!! whats gonna happen when dvd's arent enough anymore(which has already started)? Oh yea , Companies like ms will go to the HD-DVD.bluray is killing them and soon to be put out of buisiness(blu-ray sells 3 to 1). so whats gonna happen???? oh wait , they will use blu-ray! LOL....MS will invest in making a totaly alien mass storage disc which most likely would be extremely expensive not to mention a worse nightmare than blu-ray format to develop on. in conclusion, sonys biggest thing they have going is the format and OH YES IT WILL PAY OFF IN THE LONG RUN!!:D
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