yes TIME.. Lets face it, the PS3 has time on its side. As time goes on the 360s limited DVD format and limited hardware will begin to show once new standards in gaming are set when MGS4, Little Big planet and Killzone 2 are released. Once those games are released no 360 game will be able to match those games in overall Technical Aspects. Sure the 360 is the lead console now and will continue to be the lead console until the end of the year but i do think that slowly but surely interest will start to go down for the 360 after Halo 3 fizzes out, Mass effect hype is over and no new Gears announcements have been made..
Sure you might say that Halo 2 lasted years for replay value but come on, lets be real Halo 2 lasted so long because what other game offered as much replay value with its online play back then?! I dont think it will happen suddenly but I do think 360's time is almost up... I honestly think once Killzone 2 and MGS4 are released they will set new standards in gaming and people will start expecting more from gaming as a whole, these Halo 3 type grahpics just wont do the job anymore. You can sit there and make fun of me all you want about Killzone or "flopZone" or what ever cute little punch line you have for the game but the fact remains that its a different ball game now and Killzone 2 looks amazing.
Im not a blind fanboy I own both the PS3 and 360 and yes i admit that i even play my 360 more, but speaking as a owner of both consoles I can tell that the 360 is just limited compared to the PS3, i was not impressed whatsoever with Halo 3 graphics, after being spoiled by the amazing graphics that Gears offered, Halo 3 disappointed me greatly in the technical department. SO yes, The PS3 has the biggest asset on its side that 360 does not... Time (BTW Gamer tag is HallowedSaint)
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