Edit: This is not a 360 vs PS3 post! This is my opinion of the state of the PS3 as the successor of the Ps2. Nothing to do with 360 or Wii or PC!
Am I the only one thinking that the PS3 is in a big problem? Cows always claimed it's just a sad launch or the sales will pick up but it isn't.
Blu-ray vs HD-DVD was such a big thing. Which one will win? Which one to pick? Finally Blu-ray wins and...what? I thought cows said that would give the PS3 a giant boost in sales? Blu-ray is still nothing because most people aren't going to spend that much for a better picture. Most people are fine with a basic HDTV(or even SDTV) and a DVD player. To get the most from blu-ray you need a good player and a 1080p HDTV which isn't cheap at all.
It also has digital downloading to go up against which is getting bigger everyday.
It also has slow reading speeds which brings me to my next point...
The second problem has got to do with the installations. Even a 40Gb HDD is too little now. Cows use to bag out the 360 for having not much space but look how many games need a 5GB installation, something which the 360 has never needed.
DMC4, GT5: P, The Bourne Conspiracy, Oblivion, MGS4, Lost Planet, UT3, Haze, Hot Shots Golf 5 ...I mean I could go on for ages. Already in those games I named is about 50Gb. Too big for almost all PS3's to hold. I feel sorry for the 20Gb owners.
If they were super fast installs it might not matter but the cows whine about LO having 4 DVD's yet many of their games require 20 minute installations and if you need to uninstall it you have to do it again. 10-15 seconds to change a disc or a 20 minute wait? Hmm? This is also excluding trailers, demo, games ect that you'll want to download which adds even more space trouble.
1080p and 120FPS.
Yeah fat chance. For a console that boasted 1080p graphics how many really have it? Halo 3 got told off for not being faster than 30fps yet Resistance 2, one of the consoles biggest exclusives, only runs at 720p/30fps! So a system that is way more powerful(or so they say...and from its price tag) and it can't run an exclusive at 1080p? Or 720p and 60fps? Why not? It's meant to be able to isn't it? The Cell can do anything right?
The Games.
And this is where it fails the most.
Lost exclusives:
- GTA4 as a timed exclusive
- Ace Combat 6
- Devil May Cry 4
- Assassin's Creed
- Fatal Inertia
- Virtua Fighter 5
Late to the party(Delayed multiplayform games):
- Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion
- Bioshock
- The Orange box
- Alone in the Dark
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Stranglehold
- GTA4 [Delayed all version]
- Rainbow Six Vegas
- Medal of Honor: Airborne
- Splinter Cell: Double Agent
Cencelled games:
- Frontlines: Fuel of War
- The Getaway
- Eightdays
- Red Alert 3
- Condemned:Criminal Origins
- Killing Day
- Theseis
- NBA Live 07
- Eternal Sonata (Japan only)
I'm sure there are more than can be added to each list but you get my point.
Not only that list if troubles but games like Lair, Haze, Motorstorm, Heavenly Sword and a bunch of others that have underperformed or flat out flopped. Then we have super hyped games such as Killzone 2, a sequal to an awful game which had a lot more faults than simply limited hardware.
Also Home which should have been a program that should have been ready at launch or at least in the first year but we're still waiting.
Not only that but it seems like the PS3's answer to second life which if you've played it will know it is an AWFUL game. Like Big Rigs kind of bad. It could easily be huge...for the first 2 weeks then die off because everyone is sick of that type of stuff now. They need to make it fresh with constant updates and I'm not talking about the "OMG Spider man 4 trailer is on!1!!!1" kind of update.
So when is the PS3 meant to turn around and blow us all away? It isn't doing well in sales. Bombing in Japan and pretty much even with 360 in America(even though the 360 is a year older).
I don't hate the PS3 but I really expected more from a console that had 2 massive winning systems with tons of amazing games and you can't ignore the fact that so far the PS3 is failing on every front. Sales, games, blu-ray, and developing.
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