That it makes games into movies so you don't have to play them, it plays them FOR you! It was all the developers fault... LAIR should have been AAA, but they forgot to implement the "Cell Control Factor", and sadly without this the Cell was not able to make LAIR into an AAA... but it's not the PS3 fault... actually it's not even the devs fault (yes they messed up but they did send a guide so reviewers could see their errors). Same with Heavenly Sword... I mean what's the deal there... the devs made me mash different combos of buttons so I could keep watching the movie.
Seriously devs really need to get a grip... I know it's hard to program for the PS3 but... c'mon USE THE POWER OF THE CELL! TAKE GAMING TO THE NEXT LEVEL! I know Square Enix won't dissapoint me... I know that I will only have to press a button once every three hours or so in FFXIII.
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