The Wii took the spot of the casual/family consol that every house must have. And the 360 covered the hardcore gamers and the age range of 18+. The PS3 just can't get back the casual/family spot cuz of the price tag, $600 is just way high for a gaming machine, even $400 isn't cheap enough. So the only hope is to just fight the 360s spot head to head. But so far:
- Xbox 360 cheaper.
- Xbox 360 is much better in the gaming side.
- Xbox 360 has a much better online service.
- Xbox 360 is always the better home for the multi-plat games due to Live+Achievements.
So, who the hell is buying a PS3?
- Fanboys
- Rich people (prestige)
- Idiots (They either evlove into fanboys to justify their purchase, or sell it later for a 360)
- Whoever buys it as a blueray player.
Result = No PS3 titles in the last NPD's top 10.
So ya.. the PS3 is doomed.
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