since this is one of the oldest andpointless arguments on system wars, i figure we could kill it with one post. these are the PS3 games that are reviewed as better looking by the majority of reviewers:
burnout paradise
devil may cry 4
fight night rd. 3
full auto 2 battlelines
unreal tourney 3- this one im not sure about because the 360 version still is MIA.
now. with that said there are several games like army of two and marvel ultimate alliance that supposed to look identical. in fact, most EA games with the exception of madden and ncaa are 2 close to call, the 360 football games run at 60 fps while the PS3 runs at 30. some mulitiplats like ridge racer and enchanted arms ive seen the reviews go both ways and yet some reviews ( for dirt and stranglehold for example) never mention any difference. some games look the same but have extra features like VF5 but it doesnt mean the game looks better but is a better game overall.
ofcourse the 360 has some games that are better then the 360. the ubisoft games and FEAR are all better on 360. also lost planet and the majority of activisions releases have looked better on the 360.
ofcourse the big one- the orange box was much better for the 360 and EA has actually told PS3 owners that they will patch the PS3 version.
i think for the most part this battle is a stalemate. we should all move on. even the games where the majority say one version is better the differences are minimal and unless they were playing side by side, nobody could notice anyway. lets all go tell sheep that SSBB is over-rated. (its not). thats where the real fun is!
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