Its obvious that the 360 will be doomed by the end of the year, soon all gamers will realizse that the best exclusives are for the ps3 with ecellent games like god of war 3 ff13 versus heavy rain white knight and many many more, as we can all see, the 360 has NO good exclusives this year, pretty much only one or two worth even mentioning to tell the truth
the money hungry microsoft abandons its console once again and is shifting all their money into making the xbox720 or w/e thinking that theyve alredy won this gen and its over but their wrong because now the ps3 will shine for the gen while microsoft spends all their cash making a new systrm that is destined to fail because their 360 will have already failed before it which is going to happen in the next year or so
all microsoft has left is having rare saying they are going to make a few newcrappy games for their system but we all know that rare isnt what it used to be and the team is comprised of completely new members who dont have the talent that the old rare had (no ofsense its true)
you will all see the trush will unvold before your eyes in the comingyears
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