[QUOTE="darthogre"] I believe you are wrong.
People buying the Wii probably wouldn't buy a PS3 even it was also $250 dollars. The Wii is targeting a different audience, why can people not understand this. Yes the price is a big mistake but being $400 instead of $600 wouldn't suddenly launch them above the Wii. Look at it this way, PS3 still doesn't have a killer title to sale itself. Neither does Wii yet it's still outpacing BOTH X360/PS3.....doesn't that suspicously look as if the Wii's success has less to do with PS3 failure and more with Nintendo perhaps opening a new market?
It's obvious that Nintendo is opening a new market, but if Sony had at least been as successful with the PS3 as they were with the PS2 there is no way that the market Nintendo opened up would have been large enough to swallow the existing console market, which is also comprised of the 360 and PC.As it stands, the Wii is actually a threat to become larger than the 360 + PS3 + PC gaming market which would wreak absolute havok on the hardcore gaming community.
If and I reinterate IF, Ninentdo is tailoring itself to a new market, how does that hurt X360 or PS3? Shouldn't it grow the overall game industry? As it stands right now the hardcore gaming community I believe will still go with X360 or PS3 and developers know this. Nothing will really change as long as those two consoles do not fail.
The only reason why both X360 and PS3 are out of the gates a little slow is price. It's much more expensive than previous generations for the console and not to mention the games are about $10-20 more expensive. Let's not forget about those nice accessories....I can remember the days of buying a second controller for $20-25, now it's twice as much. Now X360 also has some hardware issues which could be the reason why the hardware sales have not shot up even with killer software.
SOE really had no chance to be successufl with the PS3 like it was with the PS2. First off PS2 had NO competition and it was at least affordable although a little on the expensive side. The PS3 today would still have been $400 or more even without the Blu-Ray.....and that's with X360 being out for a year with much better software.
It's competition that is killing the PS2/PS3 comparison. PS2 had none when it was released.
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