The PS3 should not have a price cut in the next few months. Yes, you read it right. Most of my posts favor the PS3. I definitely want it to succeed and I am certain it will succeed. I just dont' think cutting the price in the next few months matter that much in this extended generation. Sony needs to maintain a steady business perspective. Why is it better not having a price cut?
1) The PS3 is still the better value than Xbox 360, especially in this economy. People go out less and stay home more. Home entertainment becomes way more important in an average home. To people in the know the PS3 is clearly the best home entertainment device on the market because it alone can play the most impressive games AND movies. Instead of losing more money in the next few months, Sony should keep investing in more amazing exclusives, ones that showcase the PS3's Blu-ray disks, Cell, and/or motion control.
It should also use its money to market the PS3 as the console with the best graphics (MGS4, Killzone 2), the most innovative/creative game (LittleBigPlanet), the highest rated HD quality exclusive (LittleBigPlanet), the highest rated national sports title in this generation (MLB 09: The show), the best movie-like gaming experience (MGS4), the most relaxing/artistic game ever created (Flower), etc. The PS3 has too many good things going for it, yet the mainstream audience still doesn't give the respect that is due to the PS3. When I see advertisements, they tend to show case only one game. It's time for Sony to market the PS3 by showing the PS3's bests ALL AT ONCE. It's time, Sony.
It should also market the hell out of PSN. Let it be known that not only is PSN free, it also allows gamers to experience the best multiplayer graphics(Killzone2, MGS4). best multiplayer sounds (uncompressed audio in Metal Gear Online and Killzone 2(?), the largest multiplayer battles (Resistance 2, Killzone 2), the most creative user-genrated contents (LittleBigPlanet), the best place to socialize (HOME), the most relaxing/soothing game ever created (Flower), and movies from ALL major holllywood studios. It's time to advertize the hell out of PSN showcasing its bests all at once. It's time, Sony.
2) It is true that Sony is selling fewer consoles than Xbox 360. But Xbox 360's sales advantage seems to be decreasing every month, despite the lack of any PS3 price cuts. On a worldwide basis, the PS3 is only being outsold by Xbox 360 by around 100,000 units per month. This is not many at at all.
3) Sony doesn't need to worry as much about Xbox 360 gamers not buying the PS3 later on. Once the PS3 price is low enough or the number of PS3 exclusives reach a certain threshold, many if not most 360 owners will want to own the PS3 because the PS3 is a more advanced console with the most amazing exclusives(sights, sounds, user contents, motion control, socialization, etc.) and Blu-ray capabiltiy. It is Microsoft that needs to grab as many fans as early as possible, because once they have the PS3, they are a lot less likely to buy the 360. It is human nature, once you experince something really advanced, you don't go to something less advanced. Once you experience Blu-ray, you dont' want to go back to DVD. Once you experience the PS3, you don't feel the need own the 360.
4) Once the mainstream give the respect due to the PS3 (from all the marketing), have a pricecut (or a price cut/bundling combo) a month or so before the holiday season 2009. Xbox 360 will have no chance.
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