@k2theswiss said:
TC did you really take the time to list those numbers on that horrible list?
The real question is did you take the time to click on the link.?
@KarateeeChop said:
with only 2 exclusive launch titles to choose from i'm not surprised that future ps4 owners are resorting to multiplats.
Funny because from that list you can see,COD,BF4,AC4 all selling better than Ryse and Forza and Destiny is 1 spot from over taking ryse as well,so apparently those exclusive on xbox one are not pulling people either.
@navyguy21 said:
I think its done by region because when i open the link, there are tons of XB1 games on top lol
No that list show best selling of 2013 so if you get into the normal one you will see difference games,but if you log into that one,it will show you 2013 best selling until now.
@delta3074 said:
Wow, the baseless predictions get worse and worse on this board, now we are talking about predicted sales for games that have not even been released on consoles that have not even been released, how about we wait and see what happens when the games actually release.
you can't claim ownage based on future predictions, Thread title is misleading.Because the games are not actually 'selling' yet
Eltormo desperate to Stick it to the man again eh.
Damage control out of this world as always did you bother to click on the gamestop link before talking sh**.?
Gamestop is the biggest seller of games on US,and gamestop top selling games for 2013 so are showing the PS4 having a commanding lead in all multiplatform games,which is not surprising because the PS4 has been say for months to have way more pre-orders than the xbox one has.
So yeah the PS4 is selling better and its games show that,the xbox is selling worse and is showing it,next time bring a backpack so you can store that sad damage controls of yours,so you don't look so freaking butthurt...hahaha
Meanwhile on UK...Amazon UK top selling of 2013,PS4 #1 Xbox one #28....hahahaa look at the games but but but baseless predictions,but but the thread tittle is misleading because games are not selling yet,dude if i use my credit card to buy COD Ghost now on gamestop they sell it to me,they don't give me the game until it release but they do sell it to me.
Your damage control is EPIC...hahaha
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