Ha, better than DS? No way in ****.
the PSP has nearly as many A/AA/AAA on metacritic this year as DSi Ware!
PSP has been trash in comparision to DS in terms of amount of good games for 2 years now.
Lets see, 3rd Bday, GT Mobile, Jak pSP, LBP PSP, and others
don't stand up next to Dragon Quest 6 remake, Dragon Quest 9, Scribblenauts, Mario % Luigi 3, Dementium 2, more SMT, and so many more (Zelda, Pokemon, Tales of the Heart, etc) and friggin' Okami 2!
PSP this year: 10 good games on gamespot, 10 (or maybe 11 or so) on meta, DS 24 good games on gamespot, 40+ on meta
Honestly its not a contest. Doesn't mean you can't enjoy the PSP games more than the DS ones.
I don't know why you'd compare it to Wii, the Wii clearly has the advantage, but i suppose Monster Hunter 3, Sin and Punishment 2, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Metroid Other M, Muramasa, Cursed Mountain, Ju-On, New Super Mario Bros, Arc Rise Fantasia, Little Kings Story, Final Fantasy Crystal Bearers, Night Game, Dragon Quest 10, No More Heroes 2, are all coming out on PSP by this time next year
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