Maybe it's just for bickering amongst gaming enthusiasts and crazy predictions, but if we assume there's something of some substance being discussed here, I think a big problem is that there's really no boundaries to the scope of discussion. So we have to ask ourselves, how much can we really compare these consoles?
We see a lot that a thread will begin with a topic about the Playstation 3 or XBox360 being the best, followed up by PC gamers explaining how graphics hardware works to us as if we're 3rd graders, or Wii gamers who talk about the wealth of exclusives they get, despite not getting almost any multiplats, which elicits responses to the effect of "the PC/Wii doesn't count."
Clearly the Wii appeals to casual gamers or gamers who are somehow focused on interactivity; it's hardly known for its stunning visuals or intricate storylines. So it becomes exceedingly difficult to compare the Wii to the other consoles, because they appeal to a very different type of gamer. Most people who love their XBox360 or Playstation 3 and own a Wii have little love for Wii, AND vice versa (relax Wii fans).
The PC, on the other hand, has no single build and no developer backing it up exclusively (no first party, that is, aside from Microsoft perhaps). It encompasses a very wide variety of games but often gets left out of the scope of comparison because of excruciatingly high price point of a good PC (which turns its primary profit on hardware sales, unlike the consoles).
Which basically leaves arguing about whether the PS3 or the XBox360 is better, and the vast majority of the threads here, though derails by Wii and PC fans, begin with that intention in mind. Which begs the question: why do we argue the most about the consoles with the least amount of difference? Is it because we fear the ultimate "loser" of these two trailing consoles will no longer get 3rd party content? Or is it because it's easier to debate amongst gamers who share similar interests which are embodied in both consoles? Perhaps it's because PS3 and XBox360 fans exhibit a terrifying erotic passion for their consoles.
I certainly can't provide an answer myself, but I think it's worth keeping this question in mind when we go comparing apples to oranges. Why are we here, debating about which platform is best? If we're debating about which direction we think gameplay should head in, it makes the most sense to argue across different types of consoles. But since people focus on the XBox360 and PS3, I think the majority of the arguing done isn't "this TYPE of game is better than this other type of game," but simply "THIS game itself is better than that game."
Will we ever get anything accomplished here or do we just use it to relieve our frustrations when we see something we like go exclusive?
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