Hi, in this thread you will pretend that you are a dev of a company, the head designer. You have an unlimited budget and you can make your dream game. However there are a few rules in this thread I would like us to follow.
1) Be nice. I know this is SW where people hate each other because they prefer one system over the other. But let's try get along here. So don't attack someone's idea.
2) Explain what kind of genre you want the game to be. RPG, FPS, Platformer ect....it can be anything. Also explain the storyline for the game and some of the characters. Also try to be a bit orgional, don't say something like "Elder Scrolls 5 in space" or "Halo 6". Come up with your own series, you can use one that already exists but not as a direct sequel, say something like "Star Wars GTA" or something. You can say what games you took influence from.
3) Tell what system(s) your game will be on. However you must include PS3 in the selection, (so no Wii, 360, or PC exclusive only games). Also if you want a game like Uncharted amazing graphics then you have to choose between either PS3 and PC multiplat, or PS3 exclusive. Exlpain why you chose that specific platform or platforms over the others.
Now let's get started:
My game takes place in an alternate histroy where the Allies lost WW2 and is now set in our time (or future) and how the world turned out. The fascists now own the world including North America. You make your own character however you want to, you can choose his skill set, his background, it is similar to Elder Scrolls or Fallout in this sense. There are different skills like engineering, hunting and gathering (for survival in the wild) and others.
There are also several different backgrounds you can choose, like a fugitive who escaped from a fascist prison work zone, or a farmer who secretly smuggles contaminates his food supply to make the Neo Nazi's sick. Or an actor who secretly writes stories that speak out against the Nazi propaganda. There are several others, and depending on your background you will get different skills, the actor for instance can lie his way past Nazi's and take on the persona of different roles like a doctor or mail man ect...while the fugitive knows how to lay low and hide from the Nazi's and can get past security areas more easier.
The game is open world and the story revolves around you joining "The Sons of Liberty" (yes I ripped of MGS, eat me :P ) which are the resistance group. You CANNOT join the Nazi's, you have to be a good guy. The resistance group has The US Constitution and they give it to you so you can take it to safety and teach about it's values to others. In my game the resistance group are the descendants for the Free Masons.
The main villian is a brutal hunter who is also racist and he is willing to do anything to destroy you and the Constituion. Even harm his own civilians, but due to powerful propaganda and media control, the Nazi's make it seem like the resistance are the bad guys. The game would have amazing graphics so only on PS3, PC maybe but as a dev I fear piracy because I want to make money. So PS3 is the only system.
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