1. Price:
SixAxis - $50
Wiimote - $40, Nunchuck $20
Winner - Wiimote/Nunchuck Ultimate combo! The Wiimote alone is cheaper than the SixAxis and gives full motion and pointing capabilities for $10 cheaper! Also replacement is a factor here. Controllers fail and have to be replaced almost exclusively because of a worn out or broken analog stick. The Wiimote does not have one and can survive abuse like no other controller. You will likely never have to replace your Wiimote EVER! So replacement costs for a Wiimote/Nunchuck controller is only $20, while you'll have to shell out another $50 for a SixAxis when the analog fails.
2. Control
SixAxis - limited to tilt controls like Kirby tilt-n-tumble
Wiimote - Full motion control, Full pointer functionality
Nunchuck - Full motion control
Winner - Wiimote/Nunchuck Ultimate Combo!
3. Form Factor
SixAxis - Standard controller makes motion control difficult and cumbersome. Shoulder buttons are in an awkward position and not comfortable
Wiimote/Nunchuck - Single handed adds to comfort and ease of use.
Winner - Wiimote/Nunchuck! There is just no comparison here, the wiimote kills the sixaxis in terms of usability. Will you ever be able to play a baseball, tennis, golf, football or similar sports game with the sixaxis? Ha! not like with the Wiimote you won't! The sixaxis can't be used comfortably unless you're holding it like a regular controler. So you can't make a passing, punting, swinging motion with it. The sixaxis is limited to only some racing and flying games and gimmicks. Actually the sixaxis is a gimmick even with racing and flying games since its not real motion control and just tilt control.
4. Features
SixAxis - has last-gen handheld tilt feature and no rumble
Wiimote/Nunchuck - dual motion sensing, dual rumble, pointer control
Winner - Clearly the SixAxis can't compete with the Wiimote here.
5. Reliability
SixAxis - light and flimsy and easily breakable
Wiimote/Nunchuck - can easily go through your tube TV and survive without damage
Winner - Wiimote/Nunchuck
Clearly there can be no argument here. The Wiimote wipes the floor with the SixAxis in every way.
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