Ok everybody... I have seen these type of threads come along too much. So I will voice my opinion on the matter, take it with a grain of salt.
The main reason why Xbox360 owners want PS3 exclusive game is... so they won't have to buy the PS3 at all. Think about it really... If you could pay $400 for a game system that has all of the games that the competition has for $100 - $200 less then wouldn't that be the logical thing to do? I mean the graphics will probably look better on the PS3 version but I don't think the small leap in graphics is worth the $200 l for overall THE SAME GAME. In fact that is why the PS2 multiplat games sold more... because the overall console was cheaper, graphics DID NOT play a part in casuals picking up a game.
That is the reason why Xbox360 losing exclusives isn't a big deal to the lemmings because they paid $200 less for THE SAME GAME in some cases the game was out months before the PS3 version, in which the PS3 version should be better.
Every game that the PS3 loses exclusivity is just another reason to not buy one at all, That is my whole arguement, now punch it with holes ;)
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