So been a long while since I posted here but looking for thoughts and advice.
First off am a PC gamer and all my gaming is on my PC
However Red Dead looks ace so thinking of getting a console.
Microsoft wins over PlayStation (ever so slightly) for me with it having a UHD blu ray player forza horizon and some games bought you get a PC and Xbox version
But the question is should I get the X? It is better but costs more and I can only see myself playing Forza Horizon and Red Dead on it really. But these are the two games that look the best on it too
So is it worth the extra and get the X even though it won't be played on much or get the S.
Should mention have a 4K TV
And should I buy it now or wait for Black Friday
Right now currys has the bundle with forza horizon, red dead, tekken 7 & project cars 2
X - £400
S - £229
Argggh help someone I can't seem to make up my mind
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