Pretty much this!
Microsoft was garbage. All they showed is useless apps, SmartGlass and Kinect crap. They even brought in guys and girls to dance on their stage! :lol: What a failure.
Sony is all about games. No gimmicks or anything. Just decent games.
So Eye Of Judgement, Move and Wonderbook ain't gimmicks?Sony: 90% good stuff and 10% gimmicks.
Microsoft: 90% gimmicks and 10% good stuff.
There you go. But yeah, I have no interest in Move, Wonderbook, etc. Some people may like them. They are just trying to reach a bit wider audience with families & kids. A guy in a family could be a hardcore gamer who are in favour of PS3, and he has a kid who likes games like Wonderbook and Move stuff. PS3 is the perfect console for that kind of family.
Microsoft has got it all wrong. Too much casual. Too much gimmicks. They had hardcore fanbase at the beginning and they decided to ditch them all? They are definitely in the last place for what they have done.
Sony showed a few games, a few gimmicks and proceeded to gyrate on Vita owners @$$ while loudly repeating: "THIS IS WHAT YOUR MONEY GETS YOU, YA LIKE THAT, YA LIKE THAT". :P
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