What is the secret behind this odd machine with RROD, old media format, and normal controller.... i mean there nothing special .there is no Blu-ray, TEH cell or all this blah blah futuer things that ps3 provide. so how did this old gen crap survive the new tech and the past glory from sony, or even the sales monster WII and its revolutionry wiimote.. man x360 dont have a motion controller at all even ps3 have one...
I will tell you the secret: THE GAMES.... oh yeah ..the games and tons of games ...not only normal game but real first class games... WII games are NOT a real games : the real game contain: a mature movie like story , action, HD graphics, ... etc. Now I can find this in MGS4. uncharted. Bioshock. COD4. DMC4, GeoW,Cryises, Halo3, and even in SOME RPG's ...etc. the WII games contain: jumping, and collecting... and MEH ...and yes LBP is A WII LIKE GAME. in my book WII is made for kids and for fun seeker adults...
WII can provide an ultimate fun. but its not for gamers for sure.
Sony used to make gaming consoles .and now they TRYING to make a home movie player PS3... and NOT even trying at all to make a gaming console PS3... face it sony you dont have much games this gen and you got cornered by X360 new price slash and only Killzone and MGS4 cant make you win this gen.... its over Microsoft console is 100% not perfect. But its A GAME console.. not an extreme multimedia console like PS3 or a fun console like WII.. they build it for games..all kinds of games. and all types of gamers.microsoft is putting a real effort to make thier console a better GAMING console day after day. make it cheaper so all gamers poor or rich can jump and play.. i got RROD once but i stick with x360 cuz i couldnt find a better console ( i already have a ps2).
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