[QUOTE="distrbdslipsoad"][QUOTE="THETRUEDOZAH"][QUOTE="distrbdslipsoad"][QUOTE="THETRUEDOZAH"] Balogna
The casuals that flocked to the PS2 last gen are now flocking to the Wii. The Wii is diverting the market away from the entertaining hobby that I know and love. At least last gen the PS2 was comparable to the other two systems, not so this gen. So everyone that buys a Wii, and every developer that decides to do a Wii project, and every single copy of Mario Party #8 sold is a sin against man, god, and the cosmos themselves.
The new war of the systems is this : HD consoles Vs. the non-HD console.
which side are you on?
total BS.
every person that was considered a casual back last gen, you know, the gamers who sunk their teeth into games like grand theft auto, looked to gorier upgrades, much like gears of war. wii isn't going to ruin gaming. it's ignorant to think that. :?
I'm positive there are hermits and hardcore console gamers who would disagree with you. They would say the move to console gaming and into genres like sports and lincensed games have lessened the amount of worthwhile games available/being made. I don't think any good comes from getting someone who isn't a gamer to pick up a Wii, a copy of Wii Play, and the latest Madden. Not a bit. Yet that's what the buying patterns of these casuals are, and if you don't think it's having an impact on development, the ignorance is yours.i'm sorry, i feel as if you are starting to forget what the term "casual" really means. :| it's not given based on what games you play, it's based on how much time you throw into gaming. only now that we've seen real easy games, are we starting to change that definition. remember last generation? anybody who played nothing but halo or grand theft auto was considered a casual. THAT, was considered the downfall of gaming. but look at where we are now, those franchises are now considered golden.
but i digress..
there is good to it, but you are too stubborn to acknowledge what nintendo is trying to do. we were all casuals at some point, but grew with video games as a lifest*le sure, my grandmother won't be a gamer by the end of the wii's life, but plenty of other people will be. it's going to get to the point WHERE those people will move on to real, core games.
developers should start to realize that then, too.
maybe you were a casual once, but i've been playing ever since I got my first Tandy, and haveplayed just about every major game ever made since I was old enough to play them. Halo is not casual, it's the game played most in gaming tournaments :roll: I think you are right, there must be a deferentiation between casual gamers and non-gamers, but the fact of the matter is many who will buy the Wii will only play one or two games on it, and never think about it again. The assumption that Nintendo is 'bringing new sheep into the fold' so to speak, who will then go on to become traditional gamers is a false one, i believe.
Nintendo is not expanding the market, it is diverting it, and theirin lies the problem I have with the Wii.
arrogant statement :|
i've been playing games since i was a toddler. i remember throwing in my play throughs with zelda and shinobi III. i was turned on to gaming, yes, but at that time i was just starting. those following years WOULD make me the hardcore player that i am today. nobody, and i mean this, has ever started out as a hardcore player. it's something that gradually grows on you.
and yes, halo is casual. by your logic, at least. i know many people who have kept their xbox simply because of that game. hell, my family loves it. people who have never picked up a controller suddenly flourished to the thought of master chief.
we've only JUST begun to change around it's true meaning (seeing as how non-gamers and casuals are exactly the same).
these are test runs from nintendo, seeing who will really want to stick through out of that new found market. just wait, i can guarantee you that nintendo will expand the industry.
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