No matter what happens, Nintendo wins.
It gets in my crawl like no other that Nintendo decided to skimp on technology for the sake of profitability, but that is exactly what it has done. And, honestly, what sane-minded person can fault a company for wanting to profit?
I hate almost everything about the Wii. Rather than take a step forward in its graphics, sound, and AI capabilities, the Wii settles for the status quo. Instead of going nose-to-nose with its bullies, it decides to duck down the alley and outwit, rather than out-muscle, its opponents. I firmly believe that Nintendo could have accomplished everything it wanted by adding just a pinch more pixie dust into the Wii hardware--in such a case, the ever-so-innovative Wii remote would not be the defining characteristic of the system so much as it would be just another way that it is superior to its competing platforms.
The good news for Nintendo is: CubeJL is not Mr. Target Audience. High profile "salary men" in Japan, my grandpa, your Aunt Sally who spends most of her time as a homemaker, teenage girls, and the like are Nintendo's target market. These are people whose demand for graphics is pretty elastic--they don't care if the Wii looks exactly like the Gamecube because they have probably never played a Gamecube.
But if you want to know the real kicker: Nintendo wins this generation, no matter how the units-sold figure ends up; it doesn't matter if they finish dead last when the smoke clears--Wii is profitable right out-of-the-box. So from a raw profitability standpoint, it is still likely to be number one where it matters most.
This race will be so much fun to watch. We'll see the market from so many different angles this time around. What will the next-next-gen systems look like once this new-world video game market comes into existance--the one that doesn't care so much about graphics and the one which wants to see innovation over regurgitation.
Like the Wii, love the Wii, hate the Wii, it looks like Nintendo's little white box that could, can.
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