I finished playing Ground Zeros, and all I can say is one thing: The plot is stupid at this point.
It's just too convoluted and has so many plot points that are so incredibly unjustified. Also, there is simply too much dependent story content, that so little people have kept up with. It would be easier if the stories were easier to digest, or if there were modern remakes of the game. However, there aren't. Playing through old MGS titles (especially 2), is an absolute pain, because they have aged horribly. I genuinely think very little people, even fans of the series like me, have any clue what's going on in the story. It's not because of how much story content there is. It's because there's too many conflicting details-- and the story is largely comprised of these.
Do you think just scrapping the story and starting over again is a horrible idea?
Seriously, let's just start from the beginning. Let's have Snake infiltrate Shadow Moses looking for nuclear capability, and in the process find a Metal Gear. Let's scrap everything else and come up with details. I think it's a better alternative to making endless ill-contained content at this point. It's why this series is declining in popularity. These games shouldn't be 75% cutscene either (which MGS4 honestly is) but rather have story telling more similar to the ratio in Uncharted.
And maybe this will be an absolute horrible thing for me to say but: let a western studio do it. The idea behind MGS is great I think. I just think the execution could be way better. Give it to a studio like RockSteady or Crystal Dynamics. I'm not even kidding...
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