Have always loved sony but even am not stupid i saw that MS is easily winning this war so decided to go with XBOX 360 but now my mind has changed again.
My friend owns 1 and he was banned from xbobx live even though he didnt do anything l0l stupid software plus he is on his 3rd xbox now because of their crashing problems ,whatever man no matter how good your system is it is still not an excuse for the fact that it crashes more than highway cars
But times are changing now the PSN service has improved loads since the realease of the ps3 and am sure in about an year or so it will be as good (if not better ) than xbox live plus its totally free.Sony just needs to get rid of the hackers and add a little more downloadable content
After the price drop even the ps3 comes at a nice rate now and the result show it ps3 sales have gone up by huge numbers
No one is going to say anything about the games catalog once MGS4 and killzone2 come out thats gonna shut the mouth of anyone who keeps on raving about halo3
What with dualshock 3 out now am sure it will be made the official controller pretty soon
All the above facts point to one obvious thing that by the end of 2008 no one is going to say that the 360 is the better choice
Do you agree with me???
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