The console market today is as tough as any industry there is, but it wasn't always like this. For the past several years the PS2 has been the console to trump, and before it there was the original Playstation which also dominated the market. One unclear question still remains though; will the Playstation 3 remain atop the market? Many analysts believe that this will in fact hold true, but why are they claiming this? In my personal opinion, here are the Top 5 reasons that the Playstation 3 will eventually re-take the lead in the game industries market.
#5) The Xbox360 and How It Matches Up
The Xbox360 is a great console, but it has its flaws. The Xbox360 is a very similar console to the PS3. They have similar play and they have similar specifications. The Xbox360 has an estimated 30% failure rate (Gizmodo) and this will cost Microsoft dearly. The Xbox360 is struggling to maintain its position in America, and if that isn't enough it can't even gain a foothold in Japan or Europe. The Xbox360 has failed in Japan from the beginning and it is now beginning to lose its appeal in Europe as well (VGChartz). You have to win in Japan if you plan to compete in the console business, and the Xbox360 has failed to do that so far. This is why the PS3 will inevitably beat it out.
#4) The Wii and How It Compares
The Wii is a very good system, but it has some issues. The Wii is fun and all, but I really do not think its position in the console market will stand. So far the games for the Wii have been less than stellar, that is of course unless you like Hannah Montana sing along and Barbie As Repunzel games. There have been a few games that I have liked on the other hand, these include games like "Brawl, Super Mario Galaxy, and Wii Sports" but these games eventually will find their ways to a shelf just like all others. In the near future there just doesn't seem to be any great stand-outs. The Wii also has an issue of longevity, how long can a console built with old technology last? The Wii has proven that old technology in a new case can sell, and we all know that Nintendo will milk it for what it is worth. Nintendo cannot last in a market that demands the latest and greatest in technology forever though. HD is the new thing that everyone wants, and the Wii does not have it--nor will it ever have it. As I see it Nintendo will probably be ready to ship out a new console within the next year or two. This is just another reason why Sony will prevail.
#3) Steadily Dropping Price
I know that this is probably a way over used excuse, and maybe it goes without saying. Sony was and is selling consoles with a price tag that is just unreachable for a lot of us. If they can sell a console for as much as they are selling it, imagine what it will be like when that price gets down to the $300-350 mark. If people wanted to buy a console when it was double that price, imagine how many would want to buy it at that price, the things will be going like wildfire. I will be expecting price drops probably in the June/July-ish area and they will spike console sales one more time. This is yet another reason why you can expect the PS3 to eventually take victory.
#2) Blu-Ray Is Format Of Choice
The people have spoken, and the victor is... (ok you all know this). Blu-Ray won the format war, and I believe it still hasn't completely sunk in with people yet. It is understandable though, that you would not just jump up and go spend $500 on a Blu-Ray player knowing there is a possibility that it could still lose the format war. Eventually though, when the smoke completely clears, the PS3 will begin to see the full effects of the format war. The PS3 should start to sell as good as any other console and will have the advantage of being a 2 for 1 deal; you could even just buy it for the Blu-Ray and still get a decent deal. Blu-Ray is a difference maker, just wait and see.
#1) Sony's Massive Fan Base
While there is no evidence that Sony's oh so loyal fan base is still well over a hundred million, you have to believe enough still remain that it will catch up with it (the PS3) and eventually put it over that hump. Maybe Sony understood that when they were releasing the console, and even with its very disappointing price tag it would eventually sell to those who follow Sony. Don't get me wrong though, every system has its loyal following, but I think that Sony probably has the largest fan base of them all.
He forgot the most important reason. The awesome games Sony makes! Sony just has some great first and second party studios.
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