Teh Playstation3 Timeline Continued *Horray*
Nov 10th, 2005 - Sony is caught hiding a rootkit inside music CD's that place a virus on users computer. Sony's Tom Hesse defends the decision by stating that people don't know what it is, so they shouldn't care
January 2007 - Sony, Busted Again!
Now that we know Sony cares about us, lets move on to the PS3...
Feb 27th, 2006 - Sony misses it's Spring launch date
May 5th, 2006 - SCEE CEO David Reeves: "It doesn't really matter what ships at launch." "The first five million are going to buy it, whatever it is, even it didn't have games,"
May 8th, 2006 - Sony holds it's E3 conference announcing the pricing of the PS3 at $600/$500
May 8th, 2006 - New PS3 controller will have six degrees of motion, but no rumble feature. Sony's Phil Harrison states that rumble was last gen and no longer needed.
May 17th, 2006 - Kutaragi: PlayStation 3 is "too cheap"
May 31st, 2006 - Sony's Phil Harrison denies copying the Wiimote and states that the PS3 will replace the PC
July 12 2006-ps3 cell yields in the toilet
Sep 5th, 2006 - Gamers looking to get the best picture out of Sony's premium PlayStation 3 package will need to shell out extra for proper hookups.
Sept 6th, 2006 - PS3 is delayed in Europe until March 2007
Sept 6th, 2006 - PS3 launch shipment is cut from 2 million to 400,000 in the US (100,000 to Japan)
Sept 8th, 2006 - Sony's President admits that the company's hardware is in a current state of decline
Sept 26th, 2006 - PS3 first-party titles announced to be the same price as third party titles, at $59.99
Sept 26th, 2006 - Square Enix will not exclusively support Sony's PS3 as much as they did with the PS2.
Sept 29th, 2006 - Sony's President Ken Kutaragi states that his company does not care about the Xbox 360 and Wii competition.
October 12th, 2006 - Sony Exec calls the 360 and Wii "too expensive"
October 19th, 2006 - The infamous spec sheet comparison and how Sony claims the Xbox 360 requires HD-DVD to play games
October 20th, 2006 - Announced that Sony may have to replace your PS3 controller for you after it no longer holds charge
October 24th, 2006 - Sony sinks Lik-Sang
October 26th, 2006 - Sony's Q2 profits decrease by 94%
October 28th, 2006 - Sony president Ken Kutaragi said he expects the PS3 to be capable of running games at a stunning 120fps
October 30th, 2006 - PS3 will push Sony $1.71 billion into the red
October 31st, 2006 - Japan launch of the PS3 is cut to 80,000 units
Nov 8th, 2006 - Sony ships without update. You must update your PS3 out of the box in order to use PlayStation Network
Nov 9th, 2006 - NBA Live 2007 is cancelled on the PS3
Nov 9th, 2006 - Oblivion is pushed back from launch title to Jan 2007
Nov 10th, 2006 - Sony's Phil Harrison states that he can no longer confirm a March 2007 launch for Europe
Nov 11th, 2006 - PS3 launches in Japan and rewards few
Nov 11th, 2006 - Sony unprepared for Japan launch
Nov 14th, 2006 - Sony will miss 400,000 unit target for the US. Approx 150k to 200k will be shipped for launch
Nov 14th, 2006 - PS3 has backwards compatibility problems
Nov 16th, 2006 - PS3 downscales 720p games instead of upscaling to 1080i
Nov 16th, 2006 - Sony's Jack Tretton comments on the PS3 BC problems and states that the Wii has 0 backwards compatibility
Nov 20, 2006 - NYT not impressed with PS3
Nov 20, 2006 - Game Devs Prefer 360
Nov 20, 2006 - PS3 annoys Joystiq
Nov 21, 2006 - PS3, PSP Rainbow Six held till '07
Nov 23, 2006 - Saving Sony, one console at a time
Nov 25, 2006 - Sony retracts 1080i fix statement, leaving customers in lurch.
Nov 26, 2006 - More PS3 exclusives head to 360
Nov 26, 2006 - Bloomberg: Sony missed PS3 ship targets
Nov 30, 2006 - Sony shuffles senior execs
Nov 30, 2006 - Analyst: "I cannot imagine a PlayStation 4"
Dec 4, 2006 - Sony Australia: Wii "More Fun" than PS3
Dec 8, 2006 - Court rules for Immersion; Sony to pay up
Dec 11, 2006 - Industry watchers weigh in on "record-low tie ratios" for Wii and PS3 and other results from the month of the new systems' debut.
Dec 13, 2006 - Sony Admits Launching Fake Blog to Promote PSP
Dec 19, 2006 - Time says PS3 was a bust
Dec 20, 2006 - PC World Calls PS3 a top tech mistake of 2006
Dec 20, 2006 - Forced bundles and high retail price put consumers off, claims tracking firm.
Dec 21, 2006 - Virtua Fighter 5 dukes it out on Xbox 360
Dec 21, 2006 - Sony files patent for wiimote forbidden>
Dec 27, 2006 - PS3 Greymarket Watch: Scalpers Returning PS3s Back To Stores.
Dec 27, 2006 - Gamers who queued for days to buy Sony's PS3 are frantically trying to trade them for the much cheaper Wii.
Dec 28, 2006 - Sony's PS3: High-Scorer No More
Jan 4, 2007 - Sony spokesman David Karraker: "Everything that we put on store shelves sold out,"
Jan 4, 2007 - SCEA confirmed that there would be no supported force feedback technology with its PlayStation 3
Jan 8, 2007 - PS3 demand slows, stores stocked aplenty
Jan 9, 2007 - Sony Misses Worldwide PS3 Shipment Targets. They shiped a million in the US, but not in Japan.
Jan 10, 2007 - Motorstorm isn't going to be running in 1080p at 60FPS, despite Sony VP of Marketing David Dille saying this week that it would.
Jan 10, 2007 - Senior VP of Marketing Peter Dille: Every Sunday in the paper, there's a new deal with a free controller or a free game or $100 off all discounting the 360. I don't think you take those measures if you're selling as expected. (see Jan 13, 2007 entry)
Jan 11, 2007 - Analyst: Lagging PS3 Sales 'Troubling'
Jan 11, 2007 - ArsTechnica slams "misleading" Sony
Jan 13, 2007 - EB offers a deal, trade in your PS2, cables, a second controller and a memory card, to get $100 off a PS3, in what people assume is an attempt to actually move PS3 units.
Jan 15, 2007 - Analyst: Sony missing sales goals by 25%?
Jan 15, 2007 - Valve Software's chief Gabe Newell says PS3 a "total disaster on so many levels"
Jan 15, 2007 - PS3 sales figures 'not good' - IDC "Sony needs more must-have first-party titles to sell consoles"
Jan 17, 2007 - Sony CEO Howard Stringer: PS3 Only Using 20-25% of its Power
Jan 25, 2007 - Sony Uses PGR3 Screenshot to Promote Gran Turismo HD
Jan 26, 2007 - PS3: Now $50 More Expensive in Canada
Jan 26, 2007 - Epic Games' once-PC-and-PS3-exclusive shooter is now headed to Microsoft's new console with a slightly tweaked title, Unreal Tournament III.
Jan 29, 2007 - Sony Corp. may report third-quarter profit fell 50 percent after its flagship PlayStation 3 lost market share to Nintendo's Wii.
Jan 29, 2007 - Sony calls on Ken to save PS3
Jan 29, 2007 - Tetsuya Nomura, designer of FFXIII, has confirmed that Final Fantasy will not debut on the PS3 until 2008.
Jan 29, 2007 - Nvidia Shares Affected by Weaker Playstation 3 Demand
Jan 30, 2007 - Sony blamed the launching costs of its PlayStation 3 game console for much of the 5 percent drop in group net profit for the last three months of 2006
Jan 31, 2007 - SCEA spokesman David Karraker:"Nintendo's new console doesn't belong in the same category as the PlayStation 3." "Sony was selling out shipments of 100,000 PS3s in the US every week"
Feb 22, 2007-David_Manning
Feb 23, 2007- http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/02/23/AR2007022300227.html
(Special Thanks To The All Mighty Natural_Mystic *he did the most cow pwning*)
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