Sony comes out with a PS3 with a 60gb HDD and HDMI, and WiFi
MS says it isn't important. Then they come out with the Elite, HDMI and 120GB HDD.
Sony comes out with an 80GB and 40GB PS3s, MS drops price of 360 and puts HDMI on all versions.
MS supposedly planning a 360 elite, 320GB HDD, HD DVD Playback, HDMI, WiFi (all rumors)
Sony would of course counter this with a new PS3 Sku to not look like they're falling behind. Plus, their system wouldn't any lower price than $400. While MS hits $300, and presumably with a HD DVD add on, bigger HDD, and WiFi it might skyrocket from $350 back up to $400 or $500.
All this. Sony and MS focusing on hardware. Thinking it will increase sales, and that the third parties will come and put up a lounge chair in their respective war rooms.
All this time Fatal Frame 4*, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Young King and the Promised Land*, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers*, Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Terror*, No More Heroes*, Manhunt 2, Bully: Scholarship Edition, Okami*, Monster Hunter 3*, Spore, Civilization, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, Alone in the Dark 5, Tales of Symphonia 2*, Opoona*, NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams*, Samba De Amigo
Are all games that are surprisingly coming out as multiplats on the Wii, or are full blown Wii exclusives(marked with a *)
Okami is only playable on 1 of the 2 PS3s on the market.
Anyway, the Wii is passing both these companies' consoles. With roughly 17 million Wii owners satisfied with Wii Fit, Metroid Prime 3, Super Mario Galaxy, Twilight Princess, Resident Evil 4, Super Paper Mario, The Godfather, Zack & Wiki, Battalion Wars 2, Guitar Hero 3, Medal of Honor Heroes 2, NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams.
So, while these two are fighting each other, undoubtely they are letting the console wars slip away.
They feed us this nonsensical "we're not competing with Nintendo" coz they don't want to let people know they're getting their *** handed to them by Nintendo.
What matters is the games, and Wii has the GOTY 2007, and also the 2006 GOTY (from many other sites and mags made TP their GOTY, not GameSpot though)
I'm not saying one is better than the other right now, I'm saying before MS and Sony know it sequels to Grand Theft Auto, BioShock, Assassin's Creed, Condemned,Half Life,these types of former 360/PS3 only games will head to the Wii in need of severly reduced production costs, and possibly raised profits.
I'm not saying it will happen but if every company repeats this last years sales this year
Then developers will have to choose from 34 million customers, 16 million customers, or 20 million customers.
Which one do they choose?
MS and Sony need to address this or this generation will be over long before they see its half way point.
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