its a supliment and to explain why ill list the only good wii games.
after these come out the wii has nothing but 3rd party remakes and crap with maby 1 or 2 good games but defintly not worth the 60 dollors. the 360,ps3,pc all have great games comming out from both first and third party devs all year long and this is why the wii is a secondary console.
Ignorant much? The wii has plenty of great things coming out including smash bros, mario kart, mario galaxy. Then for some games that dont contain at least one of the characters from the 3 franchises you listed(as if they didn't mean much when.. they are some of the greatest in gaming history).. we have battalion wars 2, zack and wiki(ign believes it is THEE game to own!), endless ocean, puzzle quest, resident evil umbrella chronicles, eternity's child(just announced), Fire emblem, dewey's adventure, manhunt 2, guitar hero 3, geometry wars, NiGHTS, Trauma center new blood.. those are all games that are coming out before xmas and look like they could be good, have had positive previews of some kind, or are sequals to series we know are at least good.
You should rephrase. You don't feel there are any great games coming to the wii.. therefore, for you, the wii would be an ok secondary console at best, but to the rest of the world the wii has what it takes to be a respectable stand alone console.Anything 7 and up is listed good on gamespot, assuming you're one that only goes by gamespot on system wars.. the wii has quite a number of good titles already. Though i assure you that it is quite capable of arguing that of you outside system wars rules.
The wii can make a good secondary console to people who are already in love with their 360's. But, that doesn't mean the wii IS a secondary console. There are plenty of people who only have a wii, or have other systems and consider the wii to be #1.
I'm very curious to see if there are still many people who think the wii is not capable of supporting itself on its own by the beginning of next year after mario kart, smash bros, and galaxy have dropped(not to mention a handful of other worthy titles).
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