Everyone seems to think that the Wii NEEDS a hard drive peripheral in order to play downloaded games, save achievements, etc. I think that is complete hogwash. What people seem to forget is that the Wii has an SD card slot.
SD Cards are fantastic for a bunch of reasons. First off the access time/seek time is virtually 0 on SD Cards. Hard drives have a seek time associated with finding the data on the spindle. In addition hard drives have moving parts so they have a much high tendency to fail. SD Cards are great because they have essentially become the standard for digital camera, cell phones, and numerous other devices so the information can be transfered around quickly and seamlessly.
I think the biggest complaint is that SD Cards don't have as much storage space as hard drives. That really isn't a problem though. First off Wii games are much smaller then 360 or PS3 games. There may be demos that range in the 500MB range but they probably won't pass the 1GB mark which most of the 360/PS3 demos do.
In addition the storage sizes of SD cards are quite large. You can get a 8GB SD card for 80 dollars right now. The technology is getting used more and more so larger size SD cards are coming out quickly. Expect to see SD card sizes of 15-20 GB by next year.
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