The Wii dosen't like me either, let me explain.
I am a 16-30 year old male self professed nerd with a soild grounding in gaming scince the days the Amigia. Im guessing you are something similar seing as how you are on a gaming forum. We are the traditional Gamer and the nintendo wii seems to be geared to upset us.
The nature of the wii is such that we are not its target audince anymore. The most striking thing about this christmas is how many people ive heard are getting a Wii, even more puzzling is the people who are getting one. Most of the people who have said "i want i wii" are "ive got a wii" were girls, non gaming girls of ages roughly 10-15 or non gaming adults who bought them for their families. This explains a great deal, these are the people the wii is meant for. These are the legandary 'casual gamer'.
The wii has become a gadget, an expensive thing to played at christmas and then forgotten about most of the rest of the year, like bop-it or a singing fish.
The Games
This new audience, fankly, wouldn't know a great game if it pimp-slaped them square in the face. They are the gaming illitarate, black maluable sacks of money to nintendo. Think back to the days when you started gaming, i know i bought a painful amount of trerrible games that i thought were awesome at the sime simply because i didn't know any thing else exsisted.
Nintendo have been able to get away with some pretty staggering things due to this, they have been able top get away with Animal Crossing city folk, a shameful cash-in on the original which bears more resembelance to a port. They have done this becuase many of the people this new version is aimed at never played the original so making a totally new and oroginal game game wound't really make much sense.They no longer NEED to make good games, they have a captive new audince and have statred to work on such things as Wii music or wii sports resort.
As of next year Nintendo will start re-releasing GameCube games for the wii with tacked on waggle at nearly full price. This in my veiw is almost unforgiveable, nevermid the fact that the Wii is BC, it just shows their compleat abandonment of those who supported them last genration. insted of making new games they will churn out the same game again for those who weren't there the first time. Well i was there! and i bet that you were too.
The On-Line
As a console that touts its 'innovartion' the wii has make some pretty big staggering steps sideways. Firstly in the on-line department, the gamecube had no online. people laught at the poor gamecube. And rightly so, online multoplayer is one of the biggest steps the original x-box took. The wii is almost no better, having an amount of online game i can count on one hand and those infernal freind codes! *grrr* Compare this to an intergrated online community like LIVE for instance and you can see why, as a gamer, i am mad.
For nintendo to ignore this trend and not be punised it needed to chuck the gamer out of the window, and replace him with joe the casual. Nintendos new audince are not are serious about their games as we are, they are not particularly tech-savy so online would just be a confusing indulgence on nintendos part. I know im ranting like a nintendo jilted me but they kind of did. I liked the gamecube, despite its flaws it showed promise and nintendo could have bulit a great online comunity with its successor. insted they cellotaped on some waggle and called it a wii.
they matter, no matter what anyone says they do. The best thing about this gen in terms of the PC/360 and PS3 has been cinematic gaming. Games that are complelling, beautyful looking, have immersive sound and stories. Games that are almost equivelant to movies in their tone, polish, production values and Visual prowess. In my veiw this all stared back in 2004 when HL2 gave us a taste of this new and exiting development that the wi has yet to show any hint of.
This may be to due with the fact that the wii is, as stated above, not meant to do this. The wii is a gadget, it makes noised and spews out bright colours, the adverage wii gamer dosen't want to care about all of that, they don't care if all of their games have the depth of a spoon.
We all got left behind...
Nintendo was right to do this. It was losing last gen, it needed a new audience. A appluad their sucess but don't expect me to like their console. I know too much about games and have been gaming for to long for my own good to enjoy the wii, its not meant for you and its not meant for me but don't expect me not to be mad about that.
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