The Wii is currently expanding the gaming market by having people who've never played games before play and those who just played once in a while actually play games a little more often (Wii Sports addicts).
So far on these boards I've seen nothing but negativity on this.
"But they don't play hardcore games like Oblivion or Rainbow Six Vegas!"
"But the casuals are stupid and don't like the HD!"
Being honest here I don't see why it's such a negative thing.
I mean so far I've seen it done some possitive things.
The pack-in is an example. Face it Nintendo made the pack-in essential again with Wii Sports. Now when I buy a Xbox 360 I get 2 games Forza 2 and Marvel Ultimate Alliance, and one of those games is one I'd actually want to play! The Playstation 3 now comes with Motorstorm which some have titled it a "must have game". The best thing about this is that I don't really pay more to get these games I just get them.
The second example I've noticed is fluid controls. Super Mario Galaxy's controls feel as smooth as a smoothy. Metroid Prime 3's controls are just as complex as the previous ones yet uses very few buttons. SSX Blur is just steer with the Nunchuck and flip the Remote to do tricks, no more of that frantic button mashing. Many more developers are thinking how to easy the interface in their games so the controls are so much more easier to well control.
The third example is game length. People in this forum can look past this because they try to buy as many games as possible,but the average game player actually wants their money worth. Many games (especially exclusives) on the PS3/360 are pretty short. Many don't even pass the 10 hour mark. However most single player Wii games are just as long as the games of the last generation, so gamers get more for their buck.
- These are just some of the things that have happen so far.
- There could be many more:
- Cut down load times.
- Stop with the 10 minute cutscenes.
- More polished pacing in games (especially amongst difficulty like Super Mario Galaxy has done)
- More focus on local play (Every other day I see a "Where are the fighting games?" or "I want split-screen in my shooters!" thread.
- Stop with the constant releases of games (most non-gaming enthuiasts don't feel like buying the same game in one series every year)
And please nobody say that "They're kill gaming" crap. And you're free to express your opinion if you want, but if you say "Their dumb down our games" someone in the thread will probably counter that because so many franchises have been casualized this generation that weren't even on the Wii.
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