I have seen a lot of threads popping up and saying how the wii is killing gaming and such. How is it killing gaming, its just bradening the definition of gaming and innovating the industry by its diffrent concepts. Many people are sying wii caused the casuals into gaming, but guess what? Sony was the one who bought casuals into gaming using the PS1 and positioning it as a mature console and as a lifestyle acessory and not only as a game machine. The wii is just broadening the concept by attracting non-gamers(like moms and old-folk), who should also deserves to play games and experience interactive entertainment.
Also they are not killing the hardcore market, as nintendo always was family friendy since the nes days, but sega provided us with competetive and mature games(street figter, MK) and now it will be at least MS or sony doing that and we don't have to worry. The wii does get shovelware and crap games but who said you have to buy em. And if you don't like the wii don't get it, but you don't have to bash it.
P.S. I am a not a sheep as i don't own a wii, just a 360 but unlike some lems and cows, i don't bash the console and i am grateful that it is bringing a new audience and new innovations to gaming.
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