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The Wii is getting away with so much! What I mean is that the Wii games are obviously weaker in story, actually speaking dialogue, online, graphics, pretty much anything, but they still get good reviews. Like MPH for instance. How could that possibly get an 8.5? The story in that game is awful, comon, space pirates? Also, Mario Galaxy, of all the great games that came out this year, why the hell is Mario Galaxy freakin GOTY??? Are you freakin positive the Mario Galaxy will be more memorable and have more replayability as Halo 3, Call of Duty 4, Assassins Creed, Bioshock, or Mass Effect??? Are you serious? Mario Galaxy hardly had the same old same old story of Bowser takin Peach and mario has to save her. Oh yeah, stars are involved, cant forget about that. Honestly, why is the Wii getting such an easy time with the reviews?The_Glorious
ya definetly not a lemming fanboy... nothing to see here ppl :roll:
Well as far as I can tell, the only current gen thing about wii is the control schemes, which dont work very well with alot of titles...
I'm considering just leaving the wii out of this gen if things dont improve. The games just seem so kiddy, and the graphics are horrible. I was surpried that Mario Galaxy got GOTY. it's very last gen titles wise, its just an average game with Harry Potters Magc wand attached to it in my eyes. The stroy sucks, the graphics are good for wii, but the graphics are bad. I think it should have been an 8.5 IMO.
The Wii is getting away with so much! What I mean is that the Wii games are obviously weaker in story, actually speaking dialogue, online, graphics, pretty much anything, but they still get good reviews. Like MPH for instance. How could that possibly get an 8.5? The story in that game is awful, comon, space pirates? Also, Mario Galaxy, of all the great games that came out this year, why the hell is Mario Galaxy freakin GOTY??? Are you freakin positive the Mario Galaxy will be more memorable and have more replayability as Halo 3, Call of Duty 4, Assassins Creed, Bioshock, or Mass Effect??? Are you serious? Mario Galaxy hardly had the same old same old story of Bowser takin Peach and mario has to save her. Oh yeah, stars are involved, cant forget about that. Honestly, why is the Wii getting such an easy time with the reviews?The_Glorious
yes. mario galaxy will be remembered as a c-lassic for years to come, and a decade from now, will still be regarded as one of the best games of all time.
assassins creed :lol:
... You're saying Metroid Prime 3 getting an 8.5 is overrated? I think it's safe enough to stop reading there.
The Wii is getting away with so much! What I mean is that the Wii games are obviously weaker in story, actually speaking dialogue, online, graphics, pretty much anything, but they still get good reviews. Like MPH for instance. How could that possibly get an 8.5? The story in that game is awful, comon, space pirates? Also, Mario Galaxy, of all the great games that came out this year, why the hell is Mario Galaxy freakin GOTY??? Are you freakin positive the Mario Galaxy will be more memorable and have more replayability as Halo 3, Call of Duty 4, Assassins Creed, Bioshock, or Mass Effect??? Are you serious? Mario Galaxy hardly had the same old same old story of Bowser takin Peach and mario has to save her. Oh yeah, stars are involved, cant forget about that. Honestly, why is the Wii getting such an easy time with the reviews?The_Glorious
Space Pirates were in the first MP game for GC; where were you complaining then? By the way, what does MPH stand for? I think you meant Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, which got an 8.5, but MPH is usually the acronym for Metroid Prime Hunters for the DS.
As far as your overall point, well, it's wrong. "Next gen" to most means better graphics with same control scheme, plot progression, and better environemnts since last gen. For others, I enjoy mixing it up with some Warioware, Mario Galaxy, Wii Sports... new things I have NEVER experienced in my gaming life. I love CoD4 (I have logged over 75 hours on Multiplayer), but it is basically the same formula as CoD 1, just done with more expertise. I think there is room for both experiences. Also, the Wii gets away with so much because it sells so freaking much.
[QUOTE="The_Glorious"]The Wii is getting away with so much! What I mean is that the Wii games are obviously weaker in story, actually speaking dialogue, online, graphics, pretty much anything, but they still get good reviews. Like MPH for instance. How could that possibly get an 8.5? The story in that game is awful, comon, space pirates? Also, Mario Galaxy, of all the great games that came out this year, why the hell is Mario Galaxy freakin GOTY??? Are you freakin positive the Mario Galaxy will be more memorable and have more replayability as Halo 3, Call of Duty 4, Assassins Creed, Bioshock, or Mass Effect??? Are you serious? Mario Galaxy hardly had the same old same old story of Bowser takin Peach and mario has to save her. Oh yeah, stars are involved, cant forget about that. Honestly, why is the Wii getting such an easy time with the reviews?---OkeyDokey---
yes. mario galaxy will be remembered as a c-lassic for years to come, and a decade from now, will still be regarded as one of the best games of all time.
assassins creed :lol:
Mario Galaxy, BS :lol:
Well as far as I can tell, the only current gen thing about wii is the control schemes, which dont work very well with alot of titles...
I'm considering just leaving the wii out of this gen if things dont improve. The games just seem so kiddy, and the graphics are horrible. I was surpried that Mario Galaxy got GOTY. it's very last gen titles wise, its just an average game with Harry Potters Magc wand attached to it in my eyes. The stroy sucks, the graphics are good for wii, but the graphics are bad. I think it should have been an 8.5 IMO.
The only people that call games kiddy, are kids, or people that haven't been gaming for very long.
Well as far as I can tell, the only current gen thing about wii is the control schemes, which dont work very well with alot of titles...
I'm considering just leaving the wii out of this gen if things dont improve. The games just seem so kiddy, and the graphics are horrible. I was surpried that Mario Galaxy got GOTY. it's very last gen titles wise, its just an average game with Harry Potters Magc wand attached to it in my eyes. The stroy sucks, the graphics are good for wii, but the graphics are bad. I think it should have been an 8.5 IMO.
Look what we have here, another 'no blood? kiddy!' person. :lol:
It's people like you who are the reason why we only see violence in gaming these days.
I like violent games from time to time, but I seriously wouldn't know what to do without my Wii.
Mario Galaxy is more of a next-gen title then most 360/PS3 games.
So what they improved graphics? Galaxy has revolutionary gameplay, and the control scheme is flawless and works like magic.
But I didn't expect less from someone who obviously never played the game before.
Graphics aren't bad at all (with the exeption of those retarded cash-in 3th party games).
I play my 360 on a bigass HDTV, and my Wii on a regular (and smaller) widescreen SDTV, and games like Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3 still look amazing even after a long session on Assasin's Creed or Gears of War.
Graphic whores =/= Gamer.
Think about that.
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