[QUOTE="osan0"]its doing nicely for me. ive bought and enjoyed more wii games this year than PS3 and 360 games combined. only my PC beats it.
by SW standards its not looking great. but it continues to fulfill its role as my PCs complimentary system far better than any other console. i dont buy the same game 3 times for all platforms...i buy it once.
so in my world at least, if i had to start trading in consoles, the wii would be last to go.
oh yeah as a complementaty system it is good.... if you don't plan on buying any games for it this year.
i think having a ps3 beside your PC would be a goodchoice, it has more and better exclusives this year than the wii has. you miss out on alot not owing a HD console.
i own them all. i still find myself far more interested in some of the wii games coming out.
not hyping, but the likes of deadly creatures and mushroom men have my interest. i refer to them as dark horses...they will probably be crap but there good ideas and if the devs actually deliver then the games will be great). the witcher is also something i considered a dark horse and that turned out very nicely (and EE is even better...except for an annoying bluring bug).
thats one thing i really like about the wii (and 3rd party games more and more). the dark horse and the small devs get a shout in. de blob is very kewl (a couple silly mistakes hold it back from being really really kewl), disaster has a 60s disaster movie charm about it (very tongue in cheek...not meant to be taken seriously at all and hugely corny).
i still hope to get R2 (thought the first was very average but it looks like R2 delivers) and LBP for the PS3 also mind.
nothign for the 360 due to my new policy of waiting for PC versions. im not having a repeat of Mass effect again.ill get the likes of fable 2 and gears 2 when im absolutely certain there not going to PC (or ill get them on PC if they are coming to it).
but yeah..im ranting a bit. im a big fan of the wii because it allows the smaller devs a chance to shine. alot of the times it doesent work out, but when it does then thats real gold dust. its also what i love about PC. i also love that the wii, by its design, doesent allow big budget, well polished games hog all the limelight.
finally i love that its forcing devs to think again. with many games on other platforms, development is not a creative process...its an assembly line. an exact science. they have a formula and they just fill in the gaps. those games have their place and becuase its so tried and tested, the games tend to be very well polished and do what they do very well. but the wii doesent allow that. if u use those forumlas on wii then the game falls apart. wee seen it countless times. so its back to nuts and bolts stuff. even if the end pruduct is the same type of game, like a FPS, its played in a very different manor and requires a very different set of skills from the player.
as a console on its own...it has problems (as does every platform). we often here that wii only owners are really missing out. i agree. however id also argue that those who dont own a wii and do a bit of digging are also missing out. a wii and at least one other platform and then ull have most of ure bases covered.
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