Note: New thread title, same thread. I think it needed to make a bolder statement that would attract posts and one that was closer to my core argument.
First of all, I want to start this thread off by saying I am not against any of the three consoles. I own a Wii, I plan on getting a PS3 very soon and I will eventually purchase an X-Box 360 sometime in the future. I do my best to defend all three consoles here, but as I own a Wii and know it best (I've never played a PS3 or 360), I must admit I spend a bit more time defending it right now. I'm telling you this because I do not want you to take this thread the wrong way. In the end it's all about preference, I'm just presenting facts and my personal opinion. Shall we begin?
First of all, let me establish the rules of the first part of my post. What do you need to play a game? A console (which includes a controller of course)and a game, correct? Therefore, for the first of this post that is the formula I will be following. You only need a console and one video game* in order to use both.
First of all we have the X-Box 360:
Core Console: $300.00 USD
One video game: $60.00 USD
Total=$360.00 USD
Playstation 3:
60GB Model: $500.00 USD
One video game: $60.00 USD
Total=$560.00 USD
Nintendo Wii:
Wii Console: $250.00 USD
One video game: $50.00 USD
Total=$300.00 USD
Now, with the price of each system and one video game in mind, let's take a look at the differences in price. A Playstation 3 and one video game is $200.00 USD more than the X-Box 360+one game and $260.00 USD more than the Wii+one game. This is where most PS3 enthusiasts would say, despite the vast difference in price you get more bang for your buck with the PS3. They will bring up many features of the PS3 and state that the X-Box 360 core console is a budget console with no good features and that the Wii is also a budget console that is vastly underpowered. However, in arguing such a point they are forgetting one thing: you don't need all of the those features such as a BluRay player and HD graphics to play a video game, you just need the console. Something both the Wii and the 360 can do at a much cheaper price than the PS3.
However, I'm going to take it a step further with the Wii. Let's remember that the difference in price of a Wii+one game and a PS3+one game is $260.00 USD and that the total of a PS3 and a game is $560.00 USD. Let's take a look at what you could do with that extra money if you are debating on whether you should purchase a PS3 or Nintendo Wii this year at Christmas.
For the price of one PS3 and one video game you can purchase:
Nintendo Wii Console: $250.00 USD
Super Paper Mario: $50.00 USD
Metroid Prime 3: $50.00 USD
Super Mario Galaxy: $50.00 USD
Super Smash Brothers Brawl: $50.00 USD
Plus one other game of your choice: $50.00 USD
2 NES VC games: $10.00 USD
For the price of a PS3 plus one video game, you can get a Wii, five video games and 2 NES VC games. I don't care what system you support most, that's a good deal.
Now, to be fair, let's put the X-Box 360 up against the Wii. The X-Box 360 and one game comes to $360.00 USD.
Nintendo Wii Console: $250.00 USD
Super Mario Galaxy: $50.00 USD
Super Smash Brothers Brawl: $50.00 USD
2 NES VC games: $10.00 USD
Total=$360.00 USD
So, for the price of one 360 core console and one video game, you can get a Wii, two video games and 2 VC games. Not bad, but not as good of a deal as the Wii vs. PS3. However, it's still four video games and a console for the price of one X-Box 360 and a game.
Now, I know the many gamers do not prefer Nintendo's first party titles, but that's not the point. The main point I'm trying to drive home is that when put up against the other consoles, the initial purchase of the Wii gets just as much bang for it's buck at they do. In the end, as I just said, it's all about preference and the sooner many at System Wars realizes that, the sooner we can all get along. But hey, where is the fun in that? ;)
*I'm using the standard price for a game on each console.
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