I gotta say this. Sheep always say this is not the case when all the factors are staring them in the face.
1. Of the 3, the Wii has the least M rated titles.
2. ALL of Nintendo's franchises "play it safe", you won't find anything above T for teen on a Nintendo 1st party game.
3. Of the 3, Nintendo has the Most E for all titles.
******It is because of this that the majority of kids 15 and under have their parents buy them a Wii. Its simply a truth that you 20+ sheep have to deal with. Quite simply, the content the Wii delievers is best suited for kids 15 and under.******
-now and again, Nintendo releases a Zelda/Mario/Smash Bros or a M game or two to please the 20+ Nintendo fans. But they are quite the visible minority. The Wii catalogue of games are simply geared for younger audiences and ******so everybody can enjoy it******, essentially neglecting older fans who want a challenge.
MOST POPULAR SHEEP RESPONSE: "What is kiddy? It seems the immature people buy the M rated games"
My response: Defensive much?? If the difficulty is low and the game looks way to friendly and colorful, it will be argued that it is kiddy.
And sure immature people buy M rated games, but they are still 18+ most of the time. Kids and especially their parents don't want M rated games. They want their Mario and Sonic, and Zelda; games that don't remind people of the harsh realities of death (graphic death), swearing, and "real" violence.
Quite simply, the Nintendo Wii games play it safe, they stay away from the M. They want parents to know this so they can buy it for their kids. And kids like the inviting colors and characters of Mario Galaxy, Mario kart (etc), so they in turn also want it.
My point: Sheep that are 20+, you are essentially invested in a kiddy console (or at least a console marketed to kids). The lack of M titles and most friendly and colorful E titles also reinforce this.
*******If you want people to think that the Wii isn't kiddy so you can feel better about your Wii purchase, I find that sad. The Wii is kiddy, your above 20, deal with it.*******
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