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Sorry, but I'm sick of Nintendo's over hyped and over priced console.Stopped reading at that. Super mario 64 says hi
Game droughts:Nintendo's infamous game droughts drive me insane. As you may know Nintendo tends to piss off 3rd party developers, thus, leaving you to wait for 1st party software. The 3rd parties currently developing the Wii are crappy companies like Activision or Ubisoft. Activistion just makes plain bad games and Ubisoft is cranking out older games that could have been easily ported to GC years ago. If that wasn't any worse Nintendo has managed to increase the time between one good game to another by making crap games themselves! Seriously, I'm getting sick of Mario's endless line up of party games, hell, I'm getting sick of Mario in general. Come on Nintendo, ever since Mario stared on a console other than the NES or SNES, his games sucked ass!
Fan Abandonment:Nintendo obviously doesn't give a rat's ass about it's fans since the Wii is targeted toward "non-gamers" or your grandmother! I'm a hardcore gamer... okay, that's a little over the top but my point is: I like video games. And guess what? So do all people who buy gaming consoles! I like to play up to 4-8 hours non-stop, (I have nother batter to do) I can't hold the Wiimote straight up for that period of time! Also the Wii's lack of bottons pisses me off, why can't I just press a button to reload a gun instead of swinging the controller around in 40 different directions?!
Lazy hardware developers:Rather than bother to ever make a peice of decent hardware; Nintendo just gave up, released the same console, slapped a motion sensing controller on it, and called it "revolutionary". Over the years everybody has made a more powerful console than Nintendo! The Master System was more powerful than the NES, the Genesis was more powerful than the SNES, the playstation was more powerful than the N64, and the Xbox was more powerful than the Gamecube! After years of getting their asses kicked in the hardware department, you think they'd prevail some day! No, they said:"Screw you, wer're not gonna bother with decent graphics! You have to sit through this generation missing key titles, watching Sony and Microsoft fans enjoying their uber graphics!".
And you thought the PS3 was over priced:The Wii really just a GC, when you think about it. But why does it cost 250 bucks? The Gamecube was 100! Why should I pay an extra 150 for the same console, and still, no DVD playback?! I love how Nintendo fanboy's tout about the fact that it's the "cheapest console". You know, I could get a PS2 and 10 of the best games for it for the same price as the Wii!
Remember kids:
It's good to play together.
or to
And in the past:
Sega did what Nintendon't.63rdAwesome
Sorry, but I'm sick of Nintendo's over hyped and over priced console.Ok then explain to me why the wii has sold 9 million and the ps3 barley4 million
Game droughts:Nintendo's infamous game droughts drive me insane. As you may know Nintendo tends to piss off 3rd party developers, thus, leaving you to wait for 1st party software. The 3rd parties currently developing the Wii are crappy companies like Activision or Ubisoft. Activistion just makes plain bad games and Ubisoft is cranking out older games that could have been easily ported to GC years ago. If that wasn't any worse Nintendo has managed to increase the time between one good game to another by making crap games themselves! Seriously, I'm getting sick of Mario's endless line up of party games, hell, I'm getting sick of Mario in general. Come on Nintendo, ever since Mario stared on a console other than the NES or SNES, his games sucked ass!
Fan Abandonment:Nintendo obviously doesn't give a rat's ass about it's fans since the Wii is targeted toward "non-gamers" or your grandmother! I'm a hardcore gamer... okay, that's a little over the top but my point is: I like video games. And guess what? So do all people who buy gaming consoles! I like to play up to 4-8 hours non-stop, (I have nother batter to do) I can't hold the Wiimote straight up for that period of time! Also the Wii's lack of bottons pisses me off, why can't I just press a button to reload a gun instead of swinging the controller around in 40 different directions?!
Lazy hardware developers:Rather than bother to ever make a peice of decent hardware; Nintendo just gave up, released the same console, slapped a motion sensing controller on it, and called it "revolutionary". Over the years everybody has made a more powerful console than Nintendo! The Master System was more powerful than the NES, the Genesis was more powerful than the SNES, the playstation was more powerful than the N64, and the Xbox was more powerful than the Gamecube! After years of getting their asses kicked in the hardware department, you think they'd prevail some day! No, they said:"Screw you, wer're not gonna bother with decent graphics! You have to sit through this generation missing key titles, watching Sony and Microsoft fans enjoying their uber graphics!".
And you thought the PS3 was over priced:The Wii really just a GC, when you think about it. But why does it cost 250 bucks? The Gamecube was 100! Why should I pay an extra 150 for the same console, and still, no DVD playback?! I love how Nintendo fanboy's tout about the fact that it's the "cheapest console". You know, I could get a PS2 and 10 of the best games for it for the same price as the Wii!
Remember kids:
It's good to play together.
or to
And in the past:
Sega did what Nintendon't.63rdAwesome
Hmmm... as fanboyish as that sounds I kinda agree with you. Nintendo have abandoned the audience that got them where they are. Mario is over-rated and got old 5 years ago. Lack of new ips -- subsequently we have too many rehashed. Nintendo don't seem to care that devs are putting trash out on their system (all consoles guilty of bad games but the Wii has the worst ratio here).
Anyway,I could go on but I bought a Wii. I put money in their pocket once again as I did with the N64 & Gamecube. I think my Wii hates me too -- my wiiitag won't appear in my sig, just disappeared one day :roll:
Hmmm... as fanboyish as that sounds I kinda agree with you. Nintendo have abandoned the audience that got them where they are. Mario is over-rated and got old 5 years ago. Lack of new ips -- subsequently we have too many rehashed. Nintendo don't seem to care that devs are putting trash out on their system (all consoles guilty of bad games but the Wii has the worst ratio here).
Anyway,I could go on but I bought a Wii. I put money in their pocket once again as I did with the N64 & Gamecube. I think my Wii hates me too -- my wiiitag won't appear in my sig, just disappeared one day :roll:
i dont agree with the wii's target consumers..... and for wii owners, its hurting now due to the fact that 3rd party is slack, and most are trying to quick cash in. the wii isn't only hurting the hardcore, but the dev's as well. as they know only 1st party games will sell well. Although there is some lazy dev's there is so much you can do with older performing hardware.
you get what you pay for i guess... i find it extremely fun to play classics on such as zelda and such...multiplayer games can also be fun for a while... it needs a dedicated online service like live
Lazy hardware developers:Rather than bother to ever make a peice of decent hardware; Nintendo just gave up, released the same console, slapped a motion sensing controller on it, and called it "revolutionary". Over the years everybody has made a more powerful console than Nintendo! The Master System was more powerful than the NES, the Genesis was more powerful than the SNES, the playstation was more powerful than the N64, and the Xbox was more powerful than the Gamecube! After years of getting their asses kicked in the hardware department, you think they'd prevail some day! No, they said:"Screw you, wer're not gonna bother with decent graphics! You have to sit through this generation missing key titles, watching Sony and Microsoft fans enjoying their uber graphics!".
Just wanted to ask a question or two here? The Playstation more powerful than the N64? say what? Wii and Xbox are comparable, Xbox has/had decent graphics.. therefore the Wii doesn't?
1. every person in North America and Europe has a DVD player. why do we need another one?there's 3 in my house, including one in my room.and btw they are going to implement one using technology from some company named sonic.
2. the lowest price you'll find a ps2 game is $20 AFAIK. a ps2 is $120 (last time i checked). 20x10=200+120=300. but for more recent good games for the ps2 (GoW2, FFXII), you're paying $50. so you could easily get a wii and a few games for the price of a ps2 and 10 of its greatest games.
3. sega did what nintendon't. exactly. sega dropped out of the console race after never winning a console war (the genesis/snes is sort of debatable) and their flagship title is doing horrible. i'm glad sega did what nintendon't
1. every person in North America and Europe has a DVD player. why do we need another one?there's 3 in my house, including one in my room.and btw they are going to implement one using technology from some company named sonic.
2. the lowest price you'll find a ps2 game is $20 AFAIK. a ps2 is $120 (last time i checked). 20x10=200+120=300. but for more recent good games for the ps2 (GoW2, FFXII), you're paying $50. so you could easily get a wii and a few games for the price of a ps2 and 10 of its greatest games.
3. sega did what nintendon't. exactly. sega dropped out of the console race after never winning a console war (the genesis/snes is sort of debatable) and their flagship title is doing horrible. i'm glad sega did what nintendon't
You've never heard of ebay before?:shock:
you get what you pay for i guess... i find it extremely fun to play classics on such as zelda and such...multiplayer games can also be fun for a while... it needs a dedicated online service like live
"you get what you pay for". Now that is the single most intellegent thing I've seen on this forum for a bit!:D
Wii: last gen graphics, costs the least
360:greatgraphics, DVD player, middle of the road price
PS3: great graphics,DVD/BD player,built in HDMI support,costs the most.
Why argue prices? If you want more, you gotta be willing to shell out for it. All the consoles this gen have their ups and downs in pricing. Plain and simple.
Lazy hardware developers:Rather than bother to ever make a peice of decent hardware; Nintendo just gave up, released the same console, slapped a motion sensing controller on it, and called it "revolutionary". Over the years everybody has made a more powerful console than Nintendo! The Master System was more powerful than the NES, the Genesis was more powerful than the SNES, the playstation was more powerful than the N64, and the Xbox was more powerful than the Gamecube! After years of getting their asses kicked in the hardware department, you think they'd prevail some day! No, they said:"Screw you, wer're not gonna bother with decent graphics! You have to sit through this generation missing key titles, watching Sony and Microsoft fans enjoying their uber graphics!".
Just wanted to ask a question or two here? The Playstation more powerful than the N64? say what? Wii and Xbox are comparable, Xbox has/had decent graphics.. therefore the Wii doesn't?
Thank you for quoting a section in that wall-o-text. I would've never read a bit xD
"Genesis is more powerful than the SNES"
Say Whaaa?
"The Playstation was more powerful than the N64"
[QUOTE="HungryLikeAMug"]you get what you pay for i guess... i find it extremely fun to play classics on such as zelda and such...multiplayer games can also be fun for a while... it needs a dedicated online service like live
"you get what you pay for". Now that is the single most intellegent thing I've seen on this forum for a bit!:D
Wii: last gen graphics, costs the least
360:greatgraphics, DVD player, middle of the road price
PS3: great graphics,DVD/BD player,built in HDMI support,costs the most.
Why argue prices? If you want more, you gotta be willing to shell out for it. All the consoles this gen have their ups and downs in pricing. Plain and simple.
3DO and Pippin' am best console ever.
[QUOTE="HungryLikeAMug"]you get what you pay for i guess... i find it extremely fun to play classics on such as zelda and such...multiplayer games can also be fun for a while... it needs a dedicated online service like live
"you get what you pay for". Now that is the single most intellegent thing I've seen on this forum for a bit!:D
Wii: last gen graphics, costs the least
360:greatgraphics, DVD player, middle of the road price
PS3: great graphics,DVD/BD player,built in HDMI support,costs the most.
Why argue prices? If you want more, you gotta be willing to shell out for it. All the consoles this gen have their ups and downs in pricing. Plain and simple.
This is true... it also seem that most Video Game players don't want to shell out for the 360 or PS3.
I don't care. I'm enjoying my Wii. Resident Evil 4 is a totally different game with the Wiimote/nunchuck--and I'm really enjoying it.
Metroid Prime 3 is going to be all mine come August 27. It couldn't get any better.
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