[QUOTE="Popadophalis"][QUOTE="-RPGamer-"] [QUOTE="Spider-Jones"][QUOTE="-RPGamer-"]I think the Wii should have better visual (and overall ) prowess, as well as, better online. It can keep it's controller, albeit some of it's best games hardly use it, or could have been done easily without it.-RPGamer-
So basically another 360 or PS3?In terms of prowess and online? Yes. The Wii is weak in both fronts, and I'll be damned I guess if I want it better :?. I find it overly odd conceptually that people wouldn't want the Wii stronger in certain aspects. It's like people are happy that it's not as good as it could be. Sometimes being different doesn't make it "better" in all aspects.
I said it could keep it's controller, which is supposedly it's bread and butter. I don't see how increasing the aforementioned aspects would ruin what makes the system different, which is it's controls.
And when you get down to it Nintendo's software is what makes it's console unique. Even if it was word for word the same as the others it's exclusive content is what makes it a Nintendo system. Sometimes I think fans have lost sight of this.
While increasing it's power wouldn't detract from it's uniqueness it would mean that the system would cost a fair bit more. If I were to pay another $50 for a Wii then I would rather it had a decent hard-drive rather than improved graphics
I don't really care what it costs, being cheap doesn't make me "OK" with the fact it could have been better. And I wouldn't mind a HDD and more prowess, in fact, the more prowess could benefit from a HDD.
Sorry dude but not everyone could afford a PS3 even the 360. From the looks of it, you are a rich person. You must be greatful. Also, very few people have HDTVs especially in other countries since it's only USA and EU that's talked about here.
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