It's way too early to judge the buzz that surrounding the Wii U. Right now, there's no price, several details are still unannounced, and there is no clear idea of the games that are coming to the system in 2013. Wait until September 13th before people start saying the Wii U has no buzz. For all we know, Nintendo could announce games like a new Wii U F-Zero, Star Fox, 3-D Mario, Zelda, exclusive third-party titles, and a fairly low launch price point. The reason for the lack of hype is not due to a lack of interest, its due to Nintendo's refusal to reveal much of anything.
it was obvious from their E3 press confrence that they held back. They did not show off any titles that are planned for 2013, and they avoided telling us the price point of the system.
The hype machine could easily pick up come September 13th if Nintendo shows us their hand. For all we know, Kingdom Hearts 3, Final Fantasy XV, and other third-party games could be announced as exclusives and Nintendo could make their fans excited by showing off F-Zero, Star Fox, and a new 3-D Mario.
Its way too early to tell what will happen. Nintendo has been quiet about the Wii U, so there is little hype at this point. But if their Sept 13th conference blows us away, the hype for the Wii U will build. Its all in Nintendo's hands, and its simply too hazy to tell either way.
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