The Wii's VC is rather pointless for gamers who did'nt grow up on those old games. They have no value to younger gamers, the audience that Nintendo is targeting.
I personally don't find many of the VC games fun because the game-play and graphics are way outdated and the games hold know sentimental value to me. How about people younger than me (im 19)? These games don't mean anything to these younger gamers.
Even though Super Mario Bros. is an amazing game, when compared to the 3d platformers of today, it is totally outdated and rather boring. Though Super Mario Bros. has one advantage, it is timeless and even now holds its greatness, but what about the other games? The ones that only gamers who owned those games back on the NES or SNES actually remember? Those games have no appeal to the younger audience today because they hold no sentimental value.
The VC is really pointless when it comes to today's younger crowd. Also who is going to spend $250 just to play way outdated games? Seriously, the VC is not a major selling point for gamers who have not ever played those old games.
I personally am not interested in it at all. Who wants to pay money for these really old games? Also what if you already own these games? You need to pay for it again just to play them on your console now? What is the point!
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