Playstation 3 TM is winning the console war, not commercially, it's winning the popular vote, which equates to imminent future victory. The word of mouth is spreading. Why, everbody's everyone is talking about the PS3. When I walk upto a gentlemen, dressed in the finest threads, and I bring up the three magic letters "P S 3," they know what I'm what I'm talking about. They know it's $600, its the ultimate game machine. Now, if I'd been talking about the 360 or Wii he'd probablly not care. The power of brand is undeniable. PSP is selling now and PS3 is slowly catching up. The hardware is already the best in the universe, now come the games. Ninja Gaiden Sigma, MGS, FFXIII, Haze, Heavenly Sword, GT5, Uncharted, Lair, Ratchet and Clank!
What does microsoft have? More shooters? And the wii? More minigames which last 2 hours?
It is only a matter of time. The end is near. PS3 will be unleashed from it's ignorant slumber.
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