I see people saying Killzone for the PS3 will be a flop simply because Killzone for the PS2 was, I reckon these people are *too rude for forums*. Seriously are you guys that insecure about 360, I assume most of the criticism towards Killzone is coming from 360 fans because they are scared Killzone might actually be better then Halo 3. I'm not saying it will.
So far everything we know about Killzone is pointing towards Killzone being an awseome game and you guys just have to accept that. When Guirrilla made Killzone for the PS2 they were a relatively new company with no console experience because they came from a PC background. Guirrilla are more experienced now plus they are a part of Sony since their acquisition in 2005. Guirrilla games have been heavily backed by Sony for the creation of Killzone for the PS3, and we all know Sony makes amazing games e.g. Gran Turismo, God Of War etc
After being acquired by Sony they made Killzone for PSP which was awesome and was well recieved amongst the media and gamers worldwide.
Killzone for the PS3 has alot going on for it and will no doubt impress at E3 this year. CAN'T WAIT !
Also the fact that they are planning to show Killzone after Halo 3 kinda shows that Sony are not afraid about whatever is shown for Halo 3. I hope for Sony's sake Killzone lives up to expectations.
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