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Level 1, 6 posts? Thread failed.fenwickhotmailit's reality even being level 1 we should just get used to our current consoles
if it makes you sleep betterAnd you need to get a life my friend.We are looking at next gen in 2012-2013 and go ahead,quote me on this one.
Level 1, 6 posts? Thread failed.fenwickhotmail
I disagree with the TC but why does it matter if he's level 1 with 6 posts? Just because someone hasn't made many posts it doesn't mean what they have said is automatically wrong. People learn to read and write outside of the Gamespot forums you know. You're the exception of course.
secondedAnd you need to get a life my friend.We are looking at next gen in 2012-2013 and go ahead,quote me on this one.
[QUOTE="mgsfan1189"]you all need to stop anticipating a next gen it's doubtful that it will happen for a very long time if you are not aware in the news many of these game companies like the ones that made halo wars are going out of business the fact is the price of making games is too high right now and game companies are barely making enough to break even the price also of making a new more advanced console is also sky high and companies are struggling just to keep pace and make money now what makes you think a companies will just give everything up and start over again ? not only will they take a deadly financial risk but games for these systems will be more expensive to make thus game companies will risk financial disaster just to make a game for the new gen. it's just wishful thinking believing there will be a 720 or PS4 for the inevitable future I believe it won't be seen for a long long time. my prediction being realistic is maybe updates for current gen like maybe a new xbox 360/ps3 with more capabilities but no next gen for a long time unless the companies go wii and make it casual friendly and not worry about graphics or advancing in technology. let's just be happy with what we have and not worry about next gen let next gen worry about itself. ArchDeathKyou know absolutely nothing about business, commerce, how companies work, what production values mean, or anything at all. stop trying to act smart because you aren't. your just an underage kid who thinks hes come on to something. By your logic we wont ever see new movies because production is getting more and more expensive. dddddduuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! Do you even KNOW why Nintendo made the wii the way it is? Because they lost too much money the last generation. Making a cost effective console this generation made them a crap load of money and they have already stated that the next wii will have the latest technology. Microsoft was in the same boat last gen but was able to take it because of the profits they made with other products. The 360 is doing GREAT and is making them PROFIT. Sony is the only one who might pull a wii next gen because of LOSS of profit, but probably not because they won the format war and are making a crap load of profit there BECAUSE they made the PS3 as a trojan horse for BluRay. and guess what? the next gen will not start in a long time. it will start late 2010 early 2011. Why do i know that? do i work for them? NO. i know that because i know how companies operate when it comes to making profits.
I mostly agree except for the 2010/2011. I'm thinking 2012/2013 because of the recession. Optimists are thinking it will only last a year or 2, but realistically it may last a little more. I don't see the companies releasing a console, when few people can afford to buy it.
I don't think it will be a 2012 (next gen), more like 2015+ because of prices. Game will go up in price to $69.99, systems will go up to $500 (The Elite was $500).
[QUOTE="fenwickhotmail"]Level 1, 6 posts? Thread failed.mgsfan1189it's reality even being level 1 we should just get used to our current consolesDude, who are you to say what others "should get used to"? In that case, you should lighten up and take this place for what it is....entertainment.
[QUOTE="TheMistique"][QUOTE="ArchDeathK"] you know absolutely nothing about business, commerce, how companies work, what production values mean, or anything at all. stop trying to act smart because you aren't. your just an underage kid who thinks hes come on to something. By your logic we wont ever see new movies because production is getting more and more expensive. dddddduuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! Do you even KNOW why Nintendo made the wii the way it is? Because they lost too much money the last generation. Making a cost effective console this generation made them a crap load of money and they have already stated that the next wii will have the latest technology. Microsoft was in the same boat last gen but was able to take it because of the profits they made with other products. The 360 is doing GREAT and is making them PROFIT. Sony is the only one who might pull a wii next gen because of LOSS of profit, but probably not because they won the format war and are making a crap load of profit there BECAUSE they made the PS3 as a trojan horse for BluRay. and guess what? the next gen will not start in a long time. it will start late 2010 early 2011. Why do i know that? do i work for them? NO. i know that because i know how companies operate when it comes to making profits. ArchDeathKyou're talking about the console companies only. the tc was talking about developers and how they are all going under because of how much it cost to make a game. two different topics. again. no. not two different topics. IF the companies are making profit so are the developers who are making the games for those consoles. people don't buy consoles to look at them. they buy them to play games on them. More and MORE people are playing video games every generation. This means that the developers are making a crap load more money therefore they can cope with the production costs just fine. the problem with this forum is that toom any of you think you know what the hell you are talking about when frankly you just need to shut up and listen to those who do.
LOL at you
again. no. not two different topics. IF the companies are making profit so are the developers who are making the games for those consoles. people don't buy consoles to look at them. they buy them to play games on them. More and MORE people are playing video games every generation. This means that the developers are making a crap load more money therefore they can cope with the production costs just fine. the problem with this forum is that toom any of you think you know what the hell you are talking about when frankly you just need to shut up and listen to those who do.[QUOTE="ArchDeathK"][QUOTE="TheMistique"]you're talking about the console companies only. the tc was talking about developers and how they are all going under because of how much it cost to make a game. two different topics.T-51B
LOL at you
GREAT response you sure showed me.[QUOTE="T-51B"][QUOTE="ArchDeathK"] again. no. not two different topics. IF the companies are making profit so are the developers who are making the games for those consoles. people don't buy consoles to look at them. they buy them to play games on them. More and MORE people are playing video games every generation. This means that the developers are making a crap load more money therefore they can cope with the production costs just fine. the problem with this forum is that toom any of you think you know what the hell you are talking about when frankly you just need to shut up and listen to those who do.ArchDeathK
LOL at you
GREAT response you sure showed me.Really, there's no need. Maby I'd respond if I could read what you posted.
you all need to stop anticipating a next gen it's doubtful that it will happen for a very long time if you are not aware in the news many of these game companies like the ones that made halo wars are going out of business the fact is the price of making games is too high right now and game companies are barely making enough to break even the price also of making a new more advanced console is also sky high and companies are struggling just to keep pace and make money now what makes you think a companies will just give everything up and start over again ? not only will they take a deadly financial risk but games for these systems will be more expensive to make thus game companies will risk financial disaster just to make a game for the new gen. it's just wishful thinking believing there will be a 720 or PS4 for the inevitable future I believe it won't be seen for a long long time. my prediction being realistic is maybe updates for current gen like maybe a new xbox 360/ps3 with more capabilities but no next gen for a long time unless the companies go wii and make it casual friendly and not worry about graphics or advancing in technology. let's just be happy with what we have and not worry about next gen let next gen worry about itself. mgsfan1189
Please give us your prediction as to when the next gen will start? What year/timeframe?
While you're at it consider that the next gen will likely have your games on a different media which will dictate production and distribution cost. Also consider that what's driving the cost of games up right now will more than likely not be the focus of the next generation. I'm guessing this thread is a branch of your discussion in my thread since there's not a single thread about the coming of the next gen on the first two pages of system wars, and I know you've been discussing in my thread on this. That said we'll continue the same discussion as there... One thing mentioned there, just yesterday many media outlets reported the economy is starting to level off, and predictions are that this recession wont last for more than a year more before we really start to see a recovery happining. So the base arguement about not seeing a next gen for a very long time is based on a recession that more than likely will be long gone before that time gets here.
For the later part of your predictions.. the wii is this gens answer to last gens gamecube and look what the sales of that have done. So... yeah.. the 720 or PS4 very well could be a continuation of this gens technology with a few big surprises thrown in... yeah... we agree, there's probably gonna be a next gen and even if they just do "a new xbox 360/ps3 with more capabilities" as you predict, that's still more than likely the next gen... again ala wii.
The thing is.. like the wii, if they do their homework they can take an old system and majorly change something and bam... instant must have item with sales through the roof.. ladies and gentleman the next gen has officially begun. All that and hey they would be basing it off of old tech so no money crunch and a good foundation for developers to move forward from as most of the costing is current at worst. Sprinkle on top that if that is the case then the learning curve will already be done with and all they will have to focus on is the specialty technology that generation is introducing... even that will probably follow paths that are already being blazed... ie.. wiimote, vision cam, steam or stardocks download service...
hm since when has midwaym ade a good game , besides cruisn , for the wii , i dont see any other game they made that is great they ruined the mortal kombat series along time ago , i dont need to explain this
as long as nintendo is around sony is around and ms is around there will be games, and consoles, wii 2 will happen its already in development stages 2 or 1 more year i give for info ,
[QUOTE="mgsfan1189"]you all need to stop anticipating a next gen it's doubtful that it will happen for a very long time if you are not aware in the news many of these game companies like the ones that made halo wars are going out of business the fact is the price of making games is too high right now and game companies are barely making enough to break even the price also of making a new more advanced console is also sky high and companies are struggling just to keep pace and make money now what makes you think a companies will just give everything up and start over again ? not only will they take a deadly financial risk but games for these systems will be more expensive to make thus game companies will risk financial disaster just to make a game for the new gen. it's just wishful thinking believing there will be a 720 or PS4 for the inevitable future I believe it won't be seen for a long long time. my prediction being realistic is maybe updates for current gen like maybe a new xbox 360/ps3 with more capabilities but no next gen for a long time unless the companies go wii and make it casual friendly and not worry about graphics or advancing in technology. let's just be happy with what we have and not worry about next gen let next gen worry about itself. ArchDeathKyou know absolutely nothing about business, commerce, how companies work, what production values mean, or anything at all. stop trying to act smart because you aren't. your just an underage kid who thinks hes come on to something. By your logic we wont ever see new movies because production is getting more and more expensive. dddddduuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! Do you even KNOW why Nintendo made the wii the way it is? Because they lost too much money the last generation. Making a cost effective console this generation made them a crap load of money and they have already stated that the next wii will have the latest technology. Microsoft was in the same boat last gen but was able to take it because of the profits they made with other products. The 360 is doing GREAT and is making them PROFIT. Sony is the only one who might pull a wii next gen because of LOSS of profit, but probably not because they won the format war and are making a crap load of profit there BECAUSE they made the PS3 as a trojan horse for BluRay. and guess what? the next gen will not start in a long time. it will start late 2010 early 2011. Why do i know that? do i work for them? NO. i know that because i know how companies operate when it comes to making profits. Nintendo did not lose money last gen:|
[QUOTE="mgsfan1189"]you all need to stop anticipating a next gen it's doubtful that it will happen for a very long time if you are not aware in the news many of these game companies like the ones that made halo wars are going out of business the fact is the price of making games is too high right now and game companies are barely making enough to break even the price also of making a new more advanced console is also sky high and companies are struggling just to keep pace and make money now what makes you think a companies will just give everything up and start over again ? not only will they take a deadly financial risk but games for these systems will be more expensive to make thus game companies will risk financial disaster just to make a game for the new gen. it's just wishful thinking believing there will be a 720 or PS4 for the inevitable future I believe it won't be seen for a long long time. my prediction being realistic is maybe updates for current gen like maybe a new xbox 360/ps3 with more capabilities but no next gen for a long time unless the companies go wii and make it casual friendly and not worry about graphics or advancing in technology. let's just be happy with what we have and not worry about next gen let next gen worry about itself. ArchDeathKyou know absolutely nothing about business, commerce, how companies work, what production values mean, or anything at all. stop trying to act smart because you aren't. your just an underage kid who thinks hes come on to something. By your logic we wont ever see new movies because production is getting more and more expensive. dddddduuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! Do you even KNOW why Nintendo made the wii the way it is? Because they lost too much money the last generation. Making a cost effective console this generation made them a crap load of money and they have already stated that the next wii will have the latest technology. Microsoft was in the same boat last gen but was able to take it because of the profits they made with other products. The 360 is doing GREAT and is making them PROFIT. Sony is the only one who might pull a wii next gen because of LOSS of profit, but probably not because they won the format war and are making a crap load of profit there BECAUSE they made the PS3 as a trojan horse for BluRay. and guess what? the next gen will not start in a long time. it will start late 2010 early 2011. Why do i know that? do i work for them? NO. i know that because i know how companies operate when it comes to making profits. actually you are wrong gba gave them more then enough the reason they made wii quote iwata"three consoles aimed at `1 market is bad gc proved so they had money, they had money coming left and right from gba ds gc and its games , look at all of nintendos titles on gc they sold very well as did a majority of 3rd party titles, they just did not sell alot like ps2 . they were even with xbox , basically off by a few thousand, so saying nintendo lost money, is bull because they have alot of other places whom sell toys and such mick, it will, ps3 already did a wii , a more advanced one but still wii is selling better because the controller is easier to use then the six axis, and next gen rumor has it sonys doing a wii , they aint worrying about power next gen lol it worked for sony twice and nintedo 3 times
I would prefer for this gen to last the longest that it can like until 2015 or something.Rockman999I agree it's most likely going to stay here a while these people on this board thinks making games is as cheap as making ice cream it's very expensive and companies are struggling now to create games and many are going out of business it's dumb to think companies just will give up and make a new system knowing the risk. whats the hurry just enjoy the systems now I am happy with it
You fail, not by making outrageous claims but for calling Ensemble Studios "the company that made Halo Wars", like that was their biggest achievement when they made the awesome Age of Empires series and Age of Mythology.
I would prefer for this gen to last the longest that it can like until 2015 or something.Rockman999
When it gets to the point my cellphone is more powerful than my gaming machine... I want "next gen". 5 and half years is a long long time to update tech from now. And seeings as how there's a big shift in technology happening as I type I don't know about 2015. That would make the 360 like 9 years out and that seems a bit much considering where we are now even from it's launch.
most likely by 2015 you people don't seem to understand that it's very difficult to create games with the high expense and the economy unless your making wii games that's why you see tons of shovelware but creating games for this gen is very difficult so imagine the cost of making games for the 720 or PS4 common people use common sense not only games but placing a new system now in spite of how risky it is and how expensive and the economy wow it's a gamble you won't see this maybe 2015 - 2018 I just don't see it in 2012 or 2013 let's just deal with it let's have more gems for the current cponsole we have and be happy no need to worry about the 720 or PS4 why do you wanna save up another $600 / $700mgsfan1189
Wow...2018? I gotta save this thread. We are going to have to agree to disagree on this.
I don't think the gap between the 8th and 7th gen will be as big as the one between the 6th and 7th, but there will definitely be a next gen. I know for one that Microsoft and Nintendo will most definitely release a new console. Sony could probably last a little longer with the PS3 but eventually they would have to adapt as well since the PS3 (like anything) will lose it's appeal in time.
[QUOTE="fenwickhotmail"]Level 1, 6 posts? Thread failed.T-51B
I disagree with the TC but why does it matter if he's level 1 with 6 posts? Just because someone hasn't made many posts it doesn't mean what they have said is automatically wrong. People learn to read and write outside of the Gamespot forums you know. You're the exception of course.
I completely agree with you. I hate how some ppl automatically disregard what a somebody has to say just because of their level and post count. Alot of ppl dont spend every waking second on these forums. I dont agree with the TC but Im not gona bash him for having a low level and post count. Heck I been on here for over two years and look at my level and post Anyway I think there will be a next gen. But I dont see it happening until at least late 2011 to early 2012.[QUOTE="mgsfan1189"]you all need to stop anticipating a next gen it's doubtful that it will happen for a very long time if you are not aware in the news many of these game companies like the ones that made halo wars are going out of business the fact is the price of making games is too high right now and game companies are barely making enough to break even the price also of making a new more advanced console is also sky high and companies are struggling just to keep pace and make money now what makes you think a companies will just give everything up and start over again ? not only will they take a deadly financial risk but games for these systems will be more expensive to make thus game companies will risk financial disaster just to make a game for the new gen. it's just wishful thinking believing there will be a 720 or PS4 for the inevitable future I believe it won't be seen for a long long time. my prediction being realistic is maybe updates for current gen like maybe a new xbox 360/ps3 with more capabilities but no next gen for a long time unless the companies go wii and make it casual friendly and not worry about graphics or advancing in technology. let's just be happy with what we have and not worry about next gen let next gen worry about itself. ArchDeathKyou know absolutely nothing about business, commerce, how companies work, what production values mean, or anything at all. stop trying to act smart because you aren't. your just an underage kid who thinks hes come on to something. By your logic we wont ever see new movies because production is getting more and more expensive. dddddduuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! Do you even KNOW why Nintendo made the wii the way it is? Because they lost too much money the last generation. Making a cost effective console this generation made them a crap load of money and they have already stated that the next wii will have the latest technology. Microsoft was in the same boat last gen but was able to take it because of the profits they made with other products. The 360 is doing GREAT and is making them PROFIT. Sony is the only one who might pull a wii next gen because of LOSS of profit, but probably not because they won the format war and are making a crap load of profit there BECAUSE they made the PS3 as a trojan horse for BluRay. and guess what? the next gen will not start in a long time. it will start late 2010 early 2011. Why do i know that? do i work for them? NO. i know that because i know how companies operate when it comes to making profits. lol you sound jealous of the TC it's funny your the one who thinks he knows buisness haha.
WhileI agree that alot of gamestudios and companies are gonna go under, I got to disagree OP with the general consensus your stating. It won't be that hard to make another console it's obvious infact, Sony will be using Blu Ray, Microsoft can use the TBite harddrives and you would just download games, Nintendo could go either way they wouldn't care they got the cash to lease out Blu Ray.Think about it, CurrentPC technology currently right this minuteis lightyears ahead of the 5+ yearoldtechnologyin the consoles.Itaint gonna to be that costly to improve on the current consoles either if they want to do that to save money. Alsoeven if game companies go under, It doesn't mean the end of the world, The bigger companies like EA will suck up the talent from those failedcompanies and scrapped projects to improve themselves and new companies will eventually come from the ashes which means new ideas and new talent.
These things are like nature they come in cycles, The industy has to take the good with the bad and suffer declines every now and again, so they can learn from it and improve or evolve even.
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