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Seriously. At least go watch porn or something all day, like a normal person.Your X1 obsession is unhealthy... and a bit creepy at times.
The time you spend spamming this board with anti-MS threads could be much better spent, you know...
...actually playing video games? LolYour X1 obsession is unhealthy... and a bit creepy at times.
The time you spend spamming this board with anti-MS threads could be much better spent, you know...
You have a MAJOR boner for the XOne. I bet you have it secretly preordered, and that gets you off.RR360DD
Nobody pre-ordered it except 1 idiot at blockbuster.
there are others that will make gamers think 10X before making a purchase1. The whole DRM issue. You don't fully-owned your game, you only own a license to play it
Same as it is now. Sharing will be easier on DRM.
2. Convoluted game-sharing policies. You need a PhD to understand this stupid sharing schemeÂ
You need to have passed grade 3.
3. Pricey. You need a second job to afford this thing
I spend $2500 on gaming a year. The Xbox1 is $50 to $100 more expensive and gives you unprecednted value out of the box, better network, games, and DRM will make games cheaper. In essence it will be cheaper in the long run. NOT GOING WELL FOR YOU OP SO FAR.
4. The all-seeing Kinect Eye is ALWAYS WATCHING you
Only if YOU WANT it to. Which many prefer. Xbox1 can come on instantaneously.Â
5. Draconian mandatory parole console check.
Yes to stop hackers, cheaters, and so on. Regardless, the Xbox1 will take ADVANTAGES of been ALWAYS ON.
6. Weak console. At this point, I think it's closer to Wii U than to PS4. Forget that cloudy forecast bull****
PS4 is just a PS3 upgraded. Xbox1 is next get. Cloud games.
7. No killer exclusives. Multiplatform games will look and perform better on PS4
Titanfall isn't on PS4 right now, and even if it does it won't be optimized for the cloud. FORZA5, Below, World of Tanks, Sunset Overdrive, RYSE and many, many more most of those will be AAA. PS4 is lacking good exclusive. Geex you fail hard.Â
8. It's big and ugly and it has huge power brick and external kinect camera. Japan won't like this thing
Japan never likes Xbox, so who cares. Their loyal to their Sony Dictators and you will bend over too for the inferior console.Â
9. Douche company PRs: Major Nelson, Don Matrick, Yusuf Mehdi, Adam Orth, and that guy who said MS will kill Sony at E3 LOLOLOL you know how that turned out
You're using Linux right now to post this, right?
10. Ads, Ads, Ads, Ads. I hope you love seeing advertisement in your dashboard.
Don't comapre Xbox's dashboard to PSN, just don't. :roll:
11. Non-upgrade-able HDD. 500GB?!?!?! that's it?!?!?
Cloud storage. LOL>
12. Region Lock. Not only they region lock your games, they region lock your freaking console for godsake!!!! see, there are just way too many problems, EVEN IF, and that's a BIG IF, even if they solve one issue there are many others that make Xbone so un-appealling
Doesn't matter. PS4 is just a PS3.Â
Xbox Won. #dealwithit.
Is it still region locked then or did they change that too? It's a good start but this thread is right, still some idiotic problems that need solving, indie policy, region locking (unless it's changed), weak hardware and mandatory Kinect.hoosier7
In addition to the changes announced by Microsoft, Giant Bomb reported that region-locking will be removed from the Xbox One as well (a change we doubt Microsoft would choose to publicize on its own site). We will keep you updated should Microsoft announce any further changes to its Xbox One policies.
there are others that will make gamers think 10X before making a purchase 1. The whole DRM issue. You don't fully-owned your game, you only own a license to play it 2. Convoluted game-sharing policies. You need a PhD to understand this stupid sharing scheme 3. Pricey. You need a second job to afford this thing 4. The all-seeing Kinect Eye is ALWAYS WATCHING you 5. Draconian mandatory parole console check. 6. Weak console. At this point, I think it's closer to Wii U than to PS4. Forget that cloudy forecast bull**** 7. No killer exclusives. Multiplatform games will look and perform better on PS4 8. It's big and ugly and it has huge power brick and external kinect camera. Japan won't like this thing 9. Douche company PRs: Major Nelson, Don Matrick, Yusuf Mehdi, Adam Orth, and that guy who said MS will kill Sony at E3 LOLOLOL you know how that turned out 10. Ads, Ads, Ads, Ads. I hope you love seeing advertisement in your dashboard. 11. Non-upgrade-able HDD. 500GB?!?!?! that's it?!?!? 12. Region Lock. Not only they region lock your games, they region lock your freaking console for godsake!!!! see, there are just way too many problems, EVEN IF, and that's a BIG IF, even if they solve one issue there are many others that make Xbone so un-appealling-Damien-Guess you missed the announcement too.
[QUOTE="-Damien-"]there are others that will make gamers think 10X before making a purchase 1. The whole DRM issue. You don't fully-owned your game, you only own a license to play it 2. Convoluted game-sharing policies. You need a PhD to understand this stupid sharing scheme 3. Pricey. You need a second job to afford this thing 4. The all-seeing Kinect Eye is ALWAYS WATCHING you 5. Draconian mandatory parole console check. 6. Weak console. At this point, I think it's closer to Wii U than to PS4. Forget that cloudy forecast bull**** 7. No killer exclusives. Multiplatform games will look and perform better on PS4 8. It's big and ugly and it has huge power brick and external kinect camera. Japan won't like this thing 9. Douche company PRs: Major Nelson, Don Matrick, Yusuf Mehdi, Adam Orth, and that guy who said MS will kill Sony at E3 LOLOLOL you know how that turned out 10. Ads, Ads, Ads, Ads. I hope you love seeing advertisement in your dashboard. 11. Non-upgrade-able HDD. 500GB?!?!?! that's it?!?!? 12. Region Lock. Not only they region lock your games, they region lock your freaking console for godsake!!!! see, there are just way too many problems, EVEN IF, and that's a BIG IF, even if they solve one issue there are many others that make Xbone so un-appeallingblackaceGuess you missed the announcement too. I made this thread way before the cowardly backtracking by MS
[QUOTE="blackace"][QUOTE="-Damien-"]there are others that will make gamers think 10X before making a purchase 1. The whole DRM issue. You don't fully-owned your game, you only own a license to play it 2. Convoluted game-sharing policies. You need a PhD to understand this stupid sharing scheme 3. Pricey. You need a second job to afford this thing 4. The all-seeing Kinect Eye is ALWAYS WATCHING you 5. Draconian mandatory parole console check. 6. Weak console. At this point, I think it's closer to Wii U than to PS4. Forget that cloudy forecast bull**** 7. No killer exclusives. Multiplatform games will look and perform better on PS4 8. It's big and ugly and it has huge power brick and external kinect camera. Japan won't like this thing 9. Douche company PRs: Major Nelson, Don Matrick, Yusuf Mehdi, Adam Orth, and that guy who said MS will kill Sony at E3 LOLOLOL you know how that turned out 10. Ads, Ads, Ads, Ads. I hope you love seeing advertisement in your dashboard. 11. Non-upgrade-able HDD. 500GB?!?!?! that's it?!?!? 12. Region Lock. Not only they region lock your games, they region lock your freaking console for godsake!!!! see, there are just way too many problems, EVEN IF, and that's a BIG IF, even if they solve one issue there are many others that make Xbone so un-appealling-Damien-Guess you missed the announcement too. I made this thread way before the cowardly backtracking by MS Someone is jelly. lol!!
Sony changing, influencing and shaping the industry every day. Thank you Sony. Heil68
yeah, you're right Sony was the 1st company to not bundle a game with the system, overcharge for external memory and expect people to buy extra controllers if they want to play MP on a game. Way to go Sony...
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