Everytime I come to this board I see people talking about the Hardcore Gamer and the Casual Gamer. People say the Wii sucks because it doesn't have hardcore games, or this game is a hardcore game while someone calls it casual. So I thought I'd help people out, there is no such thing as a "Hardcore" game. Now before you rip my head off listen to me.
Whether or not a game is "hardcore" is up to the person that plays it. I play Halo 3 a couple hours a year, so to me Halo 3's a casual game. While some other people play Halo for 6 hours a day everyday. Now to the person Halo 3's a hardcore game. I know people that play Wii Sports like theres no tomorrow. So thats a hardcore game to them. I myself buy about 30-40 games a year, and I consider myself as casual as they come. I play no game "hardcorely". Hell look at Peggle. Very simple game but look at how many hours people put into that game.
So what determines a Casual game or a Hardcore game completely depends on you. If you dedicate yourself to a game thats what makes it hardcore. If you play thought a game once and never though it again, you were casual to that game. Look at people that play CS:S and Madden professionally, they're very hardcore. While I'll play a couple games with my friends, that makes me casual.
Just because a games got blood and vilence doesn't make it "Hardcore", it just makes it appeal to a different audience. I'm all good with violence and everything, but when I saw the new GoW 3 trailer and I saw Kratos tearing off that gods head, I didn't think wow that hardcore, I thought wow thats really immature.
So what you put into the game either makes if a hardcore game or a casual game. Hopefully this translates well...
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