Greetings gentlemen.All your attention are belong to me,you have no chance to survive make your time Muhahahahaha.
With that said,stuff i hate about this gen....(100% flame bait or lame reasons to flame free)
Ok i know if i make this too long no one will read and someone will say "Teh Wall of Text",if i make it too short i would sound like a fan boy so here i go.
The headset:
In theory this would allow gamers to play in a more efficient way making easier to communicate with their team or friends.For example on GRAW you can ask for help or you can come up with a strategy and tell it to your teammates so you can Pwn the opposition.
In practice....You know what a headset and a hemorrhoid have in common?,that every a$$hole has one.I was playing Geow yesterday and it was plagued by retarded teenagers so i change from the casual channel to the Pro channel so i don't have to deal with retards but i guess thats impossible.
In conclusion: The Headset is a good invention that went awfully wrong but some rumors say Halo 3 will end all of this and i couldn't be more glad.
The x360 cam:The regular web cam suppose to enhance the communication between family and friends.In reality is used for pr0n or by morons to do crappy youtube videos.Put this technology in the hands of gamers,why the hell MS thought that was a good idea?.
The Wiimote
I know mentioning this will only bring me pain,suffering and hordes of raging fan boys but i don't care because this has to be said.
The wiimote is a good idea that in practice is........good too,well then wheres the problem with the wiimote.well the problem is ....the games,3rd party to be exact.Nintendo did a good job showing us what the wii mote can do,but now that we know what it can do[Start the part where you probably don't know what the hell i want to say] When are we exactly going to use it,well there is Zelda.Ok we got Zelda and then we have to wait for Super Mario Galaxy and other 1st party games.So meanwhile we have the Non-1st party games.
And here is where the problem starts,for some reason all the N1stP devs use the wiimote as some sort of gimmick for their games, i mean watch this .The PSP version of the same game scored higher than the wii version and is not the exception MUA also scored higher on the PSP.The portable version beated the wii version.Im not against the PSP in fact i love it but for mere logic the console version should scored higher,what the hell is going on ?.Well in all the reviews the controller has the blame.
Imo the wiimote is a good controller but 3rd party don't know how to use it.
Sony PS3.
Ok i don't know what to type here,is not that im a PS3 fan boy or anything is just that everything has been said.The price is insanely high,Sony marketing department is legally Brain-Dead ,it has no games that justify the 600$(Maybe MGS4 and lair...sorta).It has no rumble and the sixaxis triggers feel somewhat wrong.What i hate is the way is advertised,i saw it on sam´s club the other day and i had no games,demos or whatsoever just random videos that had nothing to do with the PS3,in fact before noticing the controller i thought it was a dvd player.Why the hell they couldn't put some demos on the damn thing.Every time i use a ps3 it has no games just a bunch of videos....the videos sucked by the way.
Well here you have it folks,i know you dont care but i hope you wasted the same amount of time reading this as i did typing it.
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