We all know how AMAZING Modern Warfare 2 is but lately people have been putting it down recently ever since Battlefield:Bad Company 2 has been released.Well im here to tell you,you're Wrong!
MW2 has a 93.52% at Gamerankings and BC2 has 89.26% so that must mean MW2 >>>> BC2 amiright? Teh Criticz have sp0ken!11
Heres a list of Things that make Modern Warfare 2 a much better Game Overall:
- Camping/Spawn Camping
- Better/Larger Community
- Takes Little to No Skill Whatsover
- InDestructible Environments
- Tons of Glitches
- Ridiculous Auto-Aim
- $15 Map Packs because Activision hasnt made enough Money yet.
- Completely Broken Gameplay
- Crazy Perks like Heart beat Sensors,Akimbofor easy kills
- Insane Killstreak Rewards that completely change the outcome of the game like Nukes
- Smaller Maps
- Constant Noob Tubing
- Screaming kids/Internet Thugs/Racists
- It has a Higher Score at GR
- It Sold More than BC2
There are more things i forgot to mention because there is so much going on during Gameplay that i cant keep up with this Amazing Stuff.
let me know if i missed aything so i can add it to the list :)
have fun!
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