ive got a ps3, but i am interested in certain xbox 360 games like halo 3, GeOW, Lost Planet, Dead Rising, and the mulitplat games not yet available on the ps3. Im psyched about games coming out for ps3 later, but is it worht it to go ahead and get an xbox as well? What other intersting exclusive games are coming out and what does it offer that ps3 doesnt. thxrooster2991
Honestly, I go where the games are, so currently I own a 360. If and when the PS3 drops in price and gets some AAA games, I'll certainly be in line for a PS3.
So, to answer your question: Yes, I think it's worth having an 360. However I do believe a price drop might occur sometime later this year, so if price is an issue you might want to wait a few months.
As for the upcoming exclusives: Mass Effect, Shadow Run, Fable 2, Forza Motorsport 2, BioShock and Too Human to name a few.
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