I see why they changed the name of the system from the revoltion to the wii because then it just wouldn't be true. If the wii-mote is so revolutionary why does it have so many add ons for the wii mote ie zapper, steering wheel, and I think wii fit.
How come the best way to play fighting games is still with a regular gamecube or classic controller. I mean i hear comparisons with the wii mote and m/k. If it is just as good how come a boat load of RTSs' aren't being made. The motion contol and the pointer is good for some games, but it could also be translated on a regular controller.
So when will Nintendo step forward and push the wii mote abilities forward. In order for them to do that they are going to need to make new franchises that can demonstrate the wii mote potential. I don't know if it is there or not. So I ask seriously has the wi mote really change gaming? I found the controls fustrating when Itried it out.
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