Ok this has most definatly been bugging me for a long time. After reading alot of all your posts I got to thinking and start researching. The thing that really bugs me is that all of you hate on the Wii just because you do not thing it is graphically advanced compared to the 360 or PS3. But sorry to say you are sadly mistaken if you are saying that you cant take a game like Halo 3 and port it to the Wii. Trust me this is not another "The Conduit" thread. The Wii can actually do alot of the things taht the 360/PS3 can do. Maybe yes to an extent you are right in some ways the Wii is not as advanced just because it is not HD. Personally in my opion yes HD is awesome but to me its not that realistic. Do you see people or when you are walking around in the real life do you see people shinning. I think not!!! But any ways thats off the subject. The Wii has something that developers dont like to talk about. Its called The TEV or (Texture Inviornmet Unit). Does everything that a 360/PS3 does but with a catch. You have to do everything by hand. In other words you have to actually put some work into the games that you are doing. The 360/PS3 does all this by its self. Shading, Lighting, etc. etc. Which makes what we call lazy developers today. So when you see a game brought to the Wii they just try to sneak this past you and say that this is all the Wii can do. Actually to tell you the truth the Game Cube had the exact same thing just was not used that much because the original XBOX had the same thing. To tell you the truth the game cube could do everything that the xbox could do if not better. And for everyone saying that the Wii can barely pull off XBOX level graphics are sadly mistaken because the Wii all around is about 3 times as powerful as the original XBOX. We just have lazy developers these days that dont have any passion what so ever in making games. And yes im going to bring this up. I think the only developers these day that do have passion are the creators of Mario, Zelda, The Conduit and so on. Because they are not lazy.
And if you dont believe me
please do read
And please do post back i would love to hear some comments
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