[QUOTE="BuryMe"] Boy will i have fun picking this one apart
Well, I don't have too much fun teaching people how to think, though.
[QUOTE="Sihanouk"]Did you hear what EA's CEO said about regretting the fact that EA invested too much too early on Xbox 360 and PS3? What does this mean? It means that when next-generation starts, developers will be reluctant to invest in next gen.
Did you hear the top dogs at THQ and Epic both voicing their belief that next-generation won't start till at least between 2012 and 2018. What does this mean? It means that this generation will last at least 4 years from now, too long, for a soon to be outdated console. So why will this generation be too long for Xbox 360?
Really? When did they say that? I gurantee the console manufacturers will start promoting their new hardware in the next couple of years. The next generation will start by 2012 at the very latest
Do a Yahoo news search on Forbe's PS4 article. Don't guarantee something unless you have enough wisdom to back it up.
It's your responsibility to give evidence of your claims. Don't expect me to do your research.
Look at the trends, which all vastly favor the PS3:
1. Game contents are getting bigger, needing more graphics and more sounds. Early on, developers spent too much time crafting game engines that they don't have the time to make lengthy, beautiful games. Xbox 360 uses space-limiting, last gen DVD, not Blu-ray.
And yet, oblivion is a huge game. GTA IV is pretty big too. And if the odd game is on multiple discs, so what? Standing up to switch discs every 20 hours won't kill you
Oblivion is huge, but its graphics aren't that good now, and can be quite repetative. GTA graphics suck. For free-roaming games like GTA4 and for racing games, switching disks will not be practical.
GTA could easily be split up by putting the world information of each discs and only splitting the mission info. Racing gmes aren't the ones that are filling up dvds.
2. Multiplayer numbers and the size of enemies and environments are getting bigger. It is evident that Xbox 360 can't handle such massive sizes. Think Resistance 2 and MAG. Think Killzone 2 whose mulitplayer graphics look just as good as single player's. Think about how there's nothing like them on the 360 even thought the 360 has a 1 year head start.
How are you making this claim about killzone 2? Have you playd it online yet? How do you know the 360 can't handle games bigger than it currently is? Do you really think it's going to stop growing over the rest of the generation?
The developers themselves make this claim. If the 360 can handle such games while maintaining graphics integrity, it would have already been made. Why would Microsoft not try to make such games? Sony's been claiming larger multiplayers since launch. All this time, Microsoft can't come up with such games? Because the 360 is not powerful enough.
Link to developers making the claim? Dedicated servers could solve the problem.
3. HD TVs and Blu-ray movies are fast becoming mainstream. Gamers, you want the best looking games, right? So, do you also want the best looking movies? Don't look to the 360 for any help.
What do blu-ray movies have to do with gaming? Blu-ray movies has to do with the fact that gamers also like movies. And since gamers care about graphics, they will also care about movie resolutions.
But movies and games are two separate things. Don't assume that a lot of gamers suddenly want blu-ray when a lot are happy to rent DD movies
4. More and more casuals are gaming on their TVs. Why is Xbox 360 the worst choice for casuals? LIVE fees. Lack of Blu-ray features. Lack of intuitive controls. History of hardcore fanbase. Common sense says more PS2 and Wii owners will buy the PS3 more than the 360.
Trust me. Casuals don't know about blu-ray features. The Xbox does have a hardcore fanbase. how are the controls un intuitive? Button placement isn't all that different from the ps3's. your common sense makes no sense what so eve. Live fees I'll give you.
LOL. They don't?LOL again. Causals who will spend more than 300 dollars will take the time to learn a thing or two about the products they buy, especially in these hard economic times. The 360's control isn't as intuitive as the Wii's. I am saying the PS3's controls are more intuitive than the 360's. I am just saying the 360 really has nothing compelling for the casuals while the PS3 at least has free PSN and Blu-ray.
You'd actually be surprised how few people knowor understand the PS3's blu-ray capabilities. I still don't understand what you're saying about the control. How is it less intuitive than the ps3's control? And the 360 doesn't have anything compelling for casuals? :lol: Just mention Halo or Gears and they're all over it.
For those of you calling me a PS3 fanboy and accuse me of giving out opinions and not facts, keep the following in mind:
1) I had said Blu-ray will beat HD-DVD. I was right.
2) I am perhaps the only person in this forum to say Microsoft won't support Blu-ray this generation. I was right...so far. No Xbox 360 Blu-ray support announced at this year's E3.
3) I have been saying that the PS3 is more powerful and will have better looking, sounding games. There is enough evidence already that proves me right.
4) I had been saying this generation will last a lot longer than the last one. I am most likely right as the gaming top dogs also agree with me.
none of those 4 make any of what you said fact rather than oppinion. :|
These 4 should give more credibility to my opinion. Do you feel wiser now?
Trust me. Being rightin the past doesn't suddenly make you a credible source for the future.
Care to try again?
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