[QUOTE="kevy619"][QUOTE="Zenfoldor"]Yeah, it would still be funner and less repetitve than the other versions of the game, though.Zenfoldor
lol, it wouldnt even be possible on the wii. Even if they downgraded the visuals, the wii version would be completely broken.
Also, you own a PS3 and a PSP. Your obviously a graphics whore and a fanboy, to the point of ruining the gaming experience for yourself because of your biased against Nintendo, which I guarntee existed during the Gamecube days when the GCN had equal graphics to the Xbox, and no load times.
Terrible that you would even dare to comment on Nintendo's console when you have no idea what your talking about, and spew your unjustified, generalized, and false rhetoric all over these forums.
By now owning a Wii, YOU are the one missing out. By not owning a DS, YOU are the one missing out.
If you were a "hardcore" gamer, and not a fanboy, you know what you would believe?
See, when a game, like SMG is hailed as the "greatest game of all time" then a real hardcore gamer wants to see what all the fuss is about. That gamer would go through the ends of the earth to play this game and determine for himself if it is the best.
A fanboy, like yourself, will post negative things about the Wii, and play the game for only his system, and degrade the Wii, just because he feels buyers remores for purchasing the competition.
I'm sure you are upset by your peception that "Nintendo is ruining the gaming industry with casuals." I got news for you. Casual's flame SMG because they are too new to gaming, or too fanboyish for the systems they bought, to respect the developers and the critical reviews. Nothin can penetrate their closed minded view of what a "next gen" console is supposed to be.
So, they buy a crappy handheld, and 2 systems that basically play the same multiplats and not much else, and don't buy a Wii, and never play SMG, and THEY are the people ruining the gaming industry, not Nintendo. Nintendo is revitalizing it.
You're pathetic.
ok then. SMG is a great game. and so is zelda and metroid. Heck my favorite game of all time is Chrono Trigger. Do you think think the snes can play N64 games with downgraded graphics? Last gen I did have a gamecube, loved Metroid, RE4, Zelda(except the sea part), Star Fox Adventures and Eternal Darkness. This gen so far, all nintendo has is another Metroid Prime rehash, a Zelda gamecube game, and the Mario game that should of come out last gen. I also did own a ds, and then sold it since most of its games sucked IMO. Or should I own a ds for another mario kart rehash, Mario 64, or maybe Final Fantasy remakes.
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